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Private Acts of 2003 Chapter 61

SECTION 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the “2003 Human Resources Law”.

SECTION 2. There is hereby created a human resources department under the oversight of the county legislative body. The department shall perform the duties and responsibilities set out herein for all departments of Rutherford County government except for the board of education.

SECTION 3. The human resources department will operate for the purposes of oversight under the direction of the county mayor. All policies and procedures otherwise adopted by the county departments will apply to the human resources department unless specific exclusion is made by the county legislative body.

                        As amended by:          Private Acts of 2019, Chapter 20.


SECTION 4. The designated oversight committee is hereby authorized to establish and approve policies, procedures, and regulations in addition to the specific provisions of this act, for implementing a sound and proficient system for administering matters related to human resources of the county.

SECTION 5. Upon adoption of this act, there shall be one (1) department established for human resources management of all departments of the county general operations and highway department, except as the public laws or other private acts of Rutherford County provide otherwise or are in conflict herewith. This department shall be known as the human resources department. All employees performing functions related to human resources shall be under the supervision of the human resources director and such salaries, benefits, and expenses related to said personnel shall be budgeted under the human resources department.

SECTION 6. The county mayor is authorized to appoint or dismiss a human resources director upon thirty (30) days' notice, subject to the approval of the county legislative body. The director shall be responsible to the county mayor in all matters relative to the director's position. The person hired for this position shall be qualified by training and experience in the field of human standards. The county legislative body or the steering committee of the county legislative body, as designated by the county legislative body, and in conjunction with the county mayor, shall jointly conduct an evaluation of the human resources director on an annual basis. The compensation of the human resources director shall be included in the annual budget recommendations by the budget, finance and investment committee subject to the approval of the county legislative body's budget appropriation.

                        As amended by:          Private Acts of 2019, Chapter 20.


SECTION 7. The human resources director shall install and maintain a human resources management system in accordance with applicable law and regulations, restrictions of this private act and other acts of Rutherford County, and such policies and regulations of the county legislative body. More specific responsibilities shall be outlined in the job description approved by the oversight committee and the county legislative body. The director shall assist other county officials and department heads in matters related to human resources.

SECTION 8. This act shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the legislative body of Rutherford County. Its approval or nonapproval shall be proclaimed by the presiding officer of the legislative body and certified to the secretary of state.

SECTION 9. For the purpose of approving or rejecting the provisions of this act, it shall be effective upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it. For all other purposes, it shall become effective as provided in Section 8.

Passed: May 29, 2003.

COMPILER’S NOTE: Private Acts of 2003, Chapter 38, was also cited as the “2003 Human Resources Law”. The language is identical to the Private Acts of 2003, Chapter 61 with the exception of the fourth sentence in Section 6 which states that the person holding the position of human resources director in the finance department at the date of adoption of this act shall continue employment with the finance department in a capacity other than human resources director. No action was taken on this act by the county legislative body of Rutherford County.