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Private Acts of 2002 Chapter 101

SECTION 1. Chapter 209 of the Private Acts of 1988 is hereby repealed.

SECTION 2. The new Anderson County Board of Education shall consist of eight (8) members. These members shall be elected from the school board districts as established by the Anderson County Board of Commissioners. Each school board district shall be numbered one through eight (1-8) and shall be identical in geographic composition to the Anderson County Commission districts one through eight (1-8). School board districts shall represent substantially equal populations, and shall be reapportioned after each federal decennial census at the same time county commission districts are reapportioned.

SECTION 3. The former school board membership district boundary lines as established by the prior redistricting plan are abolished, and the new school board membership district boundary lines, enacted by this private act, will be identical in geographic composition to the newly adopted Anderson County Commission district boundary lines as established by the 2001 Anderson County reapportionment plan. All boundary lines will be identical to the boundary lines indicated on the attached incorporated map.

SECTION 4. District 9 of the Anderson County Board of Education will be abolished at the expiration of the currently elected term on August 31, 2002.

SECTION 5. Anderson County Board of Education members from Districts 1, 2, 6 and 7 will be elected during the August 2002 general election, assume office on September 1, 2002, and will be re-elected every four (4) years thereafter. Members of the Anderson County Board of Education from District 3, 4, 5, and 8 will be elected at the August 2004 general election, assume office on September 1, 2004, and will be re-elected every four (4) years thereafter.

SECTION 6. The former District 3 school board member, as elected in the August 2000 general election, will now occupy the seat and represent the citizens of the new school board District 5, and assume all rights, duties and responsibilities of that position on September 1, 2002.

SECTION 7. The former District 4 school board member, as elected in the August 2000 general election, will now occupy the seat and represent the citizens of the new school board District 3, and assume all rights, duties and responsibilities of that position on September 1, 2002.

SECTION 8. The former District 5 school board member, as elected in the August 2000 general election, will now occupy the seat and represent the citizens of the new school board District 4, and assume all rights, duties and responsibilities of that position on September 1, 2002.

SECTION 9. The former District 8 school board member, as elected in the August 2000 general election, will now occupy the seat and represent the citizens of the new school board District 8, and assume all rights, duties and responsibilities of that position on September 1, 2002.

SECTION 10. The term of office for each member of the Anderson County Board of Education shall be four (4) years, running from September 1st of the election year to August 31st of the fourth year of the term of office. All board members may succeed themselves in office.

SECTION 11. All members of the Anderson County Board of Education shall reside in the same district they represent.

SECTION 12. All official business of the Anderson County Board of Education including, but not limited to, motions, rules, regulations, resolutions, policies and proclamations shall pass only upon a majority vote, unless required by Tennessee state law to pass with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote. If a tie vote occurs the motion will fail to pass.

SECTION 13. The present Anderson County Board of Education will continue to serve and act as the Board of Education until September 1, 2002, when the new school board is constituted.

SECTION 14. The duties, responsibilities and compensation of the board members shall be fixed by general law.

SECTION 15. If any provision of this act or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the act which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to that end the provisions of this act are declared to be severable.

SECTION 16. This act shall not have effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Anderson County Board of Commissioners. Its approval or non-approval shall be proclaimed by the presiding officer of the Anderson County Board of Commissioners and certified by him to the Secretary of State.

SECTION 17. For the purposes of approving or rejecting the provisions of this act, it shall be effective upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it. For all other purposes, it shall become effective September 1, 2002, if approved as provided in Section 16.

Passed: March 18, 2002.