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Private Acts of 1985 Chapter 79

SECTION 1. For moving any building or structure to be relocated within Williamson
County the fee shall be two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) and the following procedure and
regulations shall be adhered to:

(a) GENERAL - A building or part of any building shall not be moved through or across
any street or highway within Williamson County without first obtaining a permit from the
building commissioner.
(b) WRITTEN APPLICATION - Any person desiring to move a building or structure
shall first file with the building commissioner a written application setting forth the following

(1) Type and kind of building or structure to be moved.
(2) The extreme dimensions of the length, height and width of the building or
(3) Its present location and proposed new location.
(4) The approximate time such building or structure will be upon the streets, and
contemplated route that will be taken from present to new location.

building commissioner the moving of any building or structure will cause serious injury to
persons or property or serious injury to the streets or other public improvements, or the building
or structure to be moved has deteriorated more than fifty percent (50%) the moving of the
building or structure will violate any of the requirements of the building or plumbing code or of
the zoning regulations, the permit shall not be issued and the building or structure shall not be
moved over the county highways.

(1) A permit to move any building or structure to a location within Williamson
County shall not be issued until the Board of Adjustments and Appeals finds, after public hearing,
that the building or structure is structurally sound, that the condition of the building or structure
does not constitute a hazard to life or limb, and that the building or structure shall be made to
comply with the requirements and limitations of the regulations relating to the zoning and
building codes of Williamson County.
(2) Notice of the public hearing shall be mailed to the owner of the building or
structure being moved, the owner of the site to which the building or structure is to be moved
and all land owners adjacent to and across the road from the property where the building or
structure is being moved not less than five (5) days prior to the hearing by the person applying
for the permit.
(3) Plans shall be submitted which disclose such alterations, modifications or repairs
as are necessary to secure compliance with the regulations relating to zoning and building or
structure codes of the county. Also, a timetable of such repairs and alterations shall be submitted.
(4) In addition, if applicable, plans to restore the site from which the building or
structure is moved must be submitted by the owner and approved by the Board of Adjustments
and Appeals.
(5) The time to bring the structure into conformance with county standards shall not
exceed one hundred twenty (120) days. However, the Board of Adjustments and Appeals may
extend the time limit, upon appeal by the owner of the structure for cause, to whatever time it
feels is necessary.

(e) BOND REQUIRED - The building commissioner as a condition precedent to the
issuance of such permit, shall require a bond to be executed by person desiring such moving
permit, with corporate surety to his satisfaction. Such bond shall be made payable to Williamson
County and for such amount as he prescribes. It shall indemnify Williamson County against any
damage caused by the moving of such building or structure to streets, curbs, sidewalks, shade
trees, highways and any other property which may be affected by the moving of a building or
structure. Such surety bond shall also be conditioned upon liable for strict compliance with the
terms of the permit, as to route to be taken and limit of time in which to effect such removal and
to repair or compensate for the repair and to pay said applicable governing body as liquidated
damages an amount not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) to be prescribed by the building
commissioner and every day's delay in completing such removal or in repairing any damages to
property or public improvement or in clearing all public streets, alleys or highways of all debris
occasioned thereby.
The mover must have liability insurance of one million dollars ($1,000,000) or more.
Evidence of such insurance must be furnished to the building commissioner prior to moving
(f) NOTICES TO BE GIVEN BY MOVER - Upon the issuance of the moving permit
the mover shall cause notice to be given to the sheriff, all telephone or light companies, and all
others whose property may be affected by such move. Receipt of such and any instructions,
comments or notices shall be furnished by the mover to the building commissioner before the
building or structure is moved.

(1) The owner or person moving a building or structure shall employ at their expense,
two (2) vehicles with safety equipment notices and flashing devices to be placed before and after
the structure being moved to divert and caution traffic.
(2) No building or structure shall be moved before ten o'clock (10:00) p.m. or after
six o'clock (6:00) a.m. and shall be moved to its final location in a time period not to exceed five
(5) days after the building or structure has either been moved from its original location or has
entered the county.
(3) Every building or structure shall have sufficient lights continuously burning
between sunset and sunrise for the protection of the public.
(4) There shall be a minimum of five (5) red lights on each street side of the building
or structure. These red lights shall be attached to building or structure in such a fashion as to
indicate extreme width, height, and size.
(5) The owner or person moving a building or structure shall obtain all necessary
permits and meet all requirements of the state of Tennessee as defined in Title 55 of the
Tennessee Code Annotated.

SECTION 2. For moving any building or structure or part of any building or structure
through the county or removal from the county to be relocated outside Williamson County, the
fee shall be two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) and procedures (a), (b), (c), (e), (f) and (g) above
shall be followed.
SECTION 3. Trailers with widths of fourteen feet (14') or less and any building or
structure used for agricultural or storage purposes with widths of less than fourteen feet (14') are
exempt from obtaining moving permits.

(a) CAUSING DAMAGE TO PRIVATE PROPERTY - No firm, partnership,
corporation or any other individual moving any building or structure, or part of any building or
structure, through, into or out of Williamson County, Tennessee, shall deface, injure, or destroy
private property in Williamson County, Tennessee.
(b) PENALTIES - Any company, firm, partnership, corporation or any individual who
violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor with original jurisdiction in general
sessions court for Williamson County, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not
less than twenty five dollars ($25.00) nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00) for each separate
offense or incident.

SECTION 5. This Act shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (2/3)
vote of the county legislative body of Williamson County before October 1, 1985. Its approval
or nonapproval shall be proclaimed by the presiding officer of the Williamson County legislative
body and certified by him to the Secretary of State.
SECTION 6. For the purpose of approving or rejecting the provisions of this Act, it shall
be effective upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it. For all other purposes, it shall
take effect upon being approved, as provided in Section 5.
Passed: May 16, 1985