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Private Acts of 1982 Chapter 666

SECTION 1. The county boundaries between Knox County and Union County shall be revised so as to include within Union County all of the territory described as follows: SITUATED in Sixth Civil District of Knox County, Tennessee and Sixth Civil District of Union BEGINNING on a stone in Needham's line at the Sulphur Spring Branch, running thence westwardly with Needham's, Hansard Chapel Church Lot, and J. N. Yadon's line to a stone at Highway No. 33; thence southwardly with Highway No. 33 to a stone at said Highway; thence southeastwardly about 67 poles to a stone between A. J. Cox and this tract; thence southwardly about 25 poles to a stone in A. J. Cox's line; thence southeastwardly with a conditional line made by Mynatt and Tolson to a stone on top of Dark Hollow Ridge; thence eastwardly with the range of the top of the ridge a marked line to Sulphur Spring Branch, at a rock, John Hansard's corner (now Jess Welch); thence northwardly down the middle of the branch as it meanders to the beginning. Containing 85 more or less, and being the same property conveyed to Edgar L. Bayless and wi Deeds for Union County and Knox County, Tennessee, respectively.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.
PASSED: March 22, 1982