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Private Acts of 1982 Chapter 334

SECTION 1. Montgomery County is hereby authorized to own and operate plants or facilities as it deems necessary for the manufacture or production of hot mix asphalt and crushed rock. Any such facilities shall be operated by the Montgomery County Highway Commission. Such hot mix asphalt and crushed rock shall be used for governmental purposes only. The County Highway Commission is hereby authorized to sell, trade, barter, loan or give away hot mix asphalt and crushed rock to other governmental entities such as municipalities and public school systems.

SECTION 2. If any clause or sentence or any part of this Act shall be held or declared unconstitutional, it shall not affect the remainder of this Act, notwithstanding any part held invalid, and to that end, the provisions of this Act are declared to be severable.

SECTION 3. This Act shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the county legislative body of Montgomery county before May 15, 1982. Its approval or nonapproval shall be proclaimed by the presiding officer of the legislative body of Montgomery County and certified by him to the Secretary of State.

SECTION 4. For the purpose of approving or rejecting the provisions of this Act, it shall be effective upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it. For all other purposes, it shall become effective upon being approved as provided in Section 3.

Passed: April 8, 1982.