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Private Acts of 1980 Chapter 242

SECTION 1. That the Wilson County Commission be and is hereby authorized to impose a $2.00 per head domestic animal tax.

SECTION 2. That this Act shall apply only to dogs and cats as defined in Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 53-901, et. seq.

SECTION 3. That any person failing to pay the domestic animal tax, upon conviction, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00).

SECTION 4. That said domestic animal tax shall be due and payable on or before the 1st day of May in each year, and shall be paid when said domestic animal is vaccinated.

SECTION 5. That whoever vaccinates domestic animals shall collect the Two Dollars ($2.00) domestic animal tax, and pay the same over to the County Clerk, who shall in turn pay the same over to The Humane Association of Wilson County, Inc., for its use in animal control.

SECTION 6. This Act shall have no effect unless it is approved by a majority of the number of qualified voters of Wilson County, voting at the next scheduled election on the question of whether or not the act should be approved. The ballots used in the election shall have printed on them the substance of this Act and the voters shall vote for or against its approval. The votes case on the question shall be canvassed and the results proclaimed by the County Election Commission and certified by them to the Secretary of State as provided by law in the case of other General Elections. The qualifications of voters voting on the question shall be the same as those required for participation in other General Elections. All laws applicable to General Elections shall apply to the determination of the approval or rejection of this Act.

SECTION 7. For purposes of approving or rejecting this Act, it shall take effect upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it. For all other purposes it shall take effect upon being approved as provided in Section 6.

Passed: March 27, 1980.