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Private Acts of 1972 Chapter 323

SECTION 1. (a) Williamson County shall be divided into twelve (12) school districts which shall be coterminous with the County Quarterly Court Districts as now or hereafter established, and which shall for reference bear the same numbers as said districts.

(b) The Williamson County Board of Education shall consist of twelve (12) members, one (1) from each school district.

(c) All members shall be elected by the qualified voters of the district in which the candidate is a bona fide resident. The term of each board member shall be for a period of four (4) years. At the regular election for county officers in August, 1978, a board member shall be elected by the qualified voters within the school districts except those school districts represented by members entitled to continue in office as hereinafter provided. In the August, 1978, election a school board member shall be elected for a four (4) year term from the following school board districts: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12. In the August, 1980, election a school board member shall be elected for a two (2) year term in the following districts: 4, 6, and 11. In the August, 1982, election there shall be elected a school board member for a four (4) year term from all board districts.

Each of the present board members whose terms expire in August, 1978, shall serve until the said election in August, 1978, and until their successors have been elected and qualified, so that no vacancy on the Williamson County Board of Education will occur by virtue of the transition required by this act. Those present board members whose terms do not expire in August, 1978, shall serve from the new district established herein in which they are a bona fide resident, and upon the expiration of their present terms, or upon their offices being vacated for any other reason, their successor shall be appointed or elected as hereinafter provided for filling of vacancies.

In the event a board member shall cease to be a bona fide resident of the school district from which he is elected, or if any member resigns or otherwise vacates the office, then the County Court at its next regular quarterly meeting following the creation of said vacancy, shall appoint a bona fide resident of said district in which the vacancy is created to serve on the Board of Education until the next general election for county officers at which time the qualified voters of the district shall elect a successor to serve for the unexpired term of such membership, unless said term would have expired at that time, in which case said successor shall be elected for four (4) years.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1978, Chapter 289

SECTION 2. The School Districts of Williamson County as presently constituted, are hereby abolished, and the School Districts as set out in this Act are hereby created; all laws or parts of laws applicable in Williamson County in conflict with the provisions of this Act shall be and the same are hereby repealed.  

SECTION 3. This Act shall be void and of no effect until the same shall have been approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Quarterly County Court of Williamson County at its next regular quarterly meeting after the passage of this Act. Its approval or non-approval shall be proclaimed by the presiding officer of said court and shall be certified by him to the Secretary of State.  

SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it; but the provisions hereof shall not become operative until validated as provided by Section 3.

Passed: March 28, 1972.