SECTION 1. The line between the counties of Coffee and Moore be, and the same is hereby changed so that the county line between the counties of Coffee and Moore will be located in the following manner:
Beginning at the northwest corner of a certain one hundred (100) acre tract described in a deed to George Vibbert, recorded in Deed Book 20, page 554, Register's office in Moore County; thence east along the north line of the Vibbert tract, to the northeast corner of the original one hundred (100) acre tract, in the west line of a tract owned by the L&N Railroad, now the northeast corner of property owned by R. C. Riddle, Deed Book 29, page 8, Register's office, Moore County; thence south along the east line of the Riddle tract and the west line of the L&N Railroad property, to the north margin of the Tullahoma-Normandy Road; thence in a westerly direction with the north line of the road and the south line of the R.C. Riddle property, J. W. Vibbert property, Edwin Gary property, Glenn Robinette property, and George Vibbert, Jr. property to a point in the south line of U.S. Highway 41-A; thence southeast with the south margin of U.S. 41-A, 765' to a fence; thence west with said fence 620' to a point; thence north 200' to a point; thence west 640' to a fence; thence further west about 590' to a northwest corner of the H. C. Stone property, thence south with the H. C. Stone west line and the Shirley Stone east line about 2390' to the northeast corner of the James T. Rutledge property, thence west with the James Rutledge north line and the Shirley Stone south line about 1995' to a point supposed to be the Coffee-Moore County line. So as to include in Moore County all of the property presently owned by George Vibbert, Edwin Gray, R. C. Riddle, Glenn Robinettee, J. W. Vibbert, George Vibbert, Jr., James Farrell, and Shirley Stone, and to place in Coffee County all of the property of I.W. Davis, consisting of 3.5 acres more or less lying between the old Tullahoma Road and the present Highway 41-A.
SECTION 2. This Act shall take effect on becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.
Approved: May 21, 1971.
COMPILER'S NOTE: This Act did not require local ratification as it does not fall within the purview of Article XI, Section 9 of the Constitution of the State of Tennessee.