SECTION 1. That there is hereby created for Putnam County, Tennessee, a Department of Law Enforcement, which shall exist for the purpose of assisting the Sheriff of Putnam County in carrying out his constitutional and statutory duties of maintaining law and order within Putnam County, Tennessee, in serving civil and criminal processes, in operating the Putnam County Jail, and in accounting for the statutory fees of the office of Sheriff, and other duties incidental thereto.
SECTION 2. That such Department of Law Enforcement for Putnam County, Tennessee, shall be under the direct supervision of the Sheriff of Putnam County, who shall be paid the maximum salary as provided by the general law of the State of Tennessee for Sheriffs, and the same shall be staffed with duly appointed and bonded Deputy Sheriffs who shall be selected by the Sheriff of Putnam County, and he shall be responsible for their conduct and their actions as under the general law of this State. Putnam County shall have a minimum of four full-time Deputy Sheriffs, a Jailer, and such other personnel, either full-time or part-time, as the needs of the office may require and as the Putnam County Quarterly Court may authorize from time to time. Salaries of deputies, jailers, and other employees of said department shall be fixed by the Putnam County Quarterly Court and included in the budget hereafter provided for.
SECTION 3. That the Putnam County Quarterly Court shall establish a budget for the operation of said Department, providing therein for the payment of salaries for the Sheriff and all employees, and the purchase, maintenance, and operation of all automobiles which the Court may see fit to furnish the office of the Sheriff, but in no event, less than three.
SECTION 4. That all fees accruing to the office of Sheriff or any of his agents or employees, and the board bill for the operation of the Putnam County Jail, shall be paid into the General Fund of the County. The Sheriff of Putnam County shall be responsible for keeping full, complete and accurate records of all fees and board bills accruing to him or any employee or Deputy appointed by him, and shall likewise account for all funds expended by him for salaries, equipment, maintenance, food for the jail, and all other lawful and proper expenses of said office.
SECTION 5. That this Act shall have no effect unless the same be approved by a twothirds (2/3) vote of the Quarterly County Court on or before October 1, 1969. The presiding officer of such body shall proclaim its approval or non-approval and shall certify the same to the Secretary of State.
SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect from and after July 1, 1969, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: April 17, 1969.