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Private Acts of 1969 Chapter 59

SECTION 1.  That Section 1 of Chapter 399 of the Private Acts of 1917, as amended by Chapter 330 of the Private Acts of 1925, is hereby amended by deleting said Section 1 in its entirety and substituting a new Section 1 in lieu thereof as follows:

"That in Haywood County, Tennessee, the County Board of Education shall, with the approval of a majority of the Quarterly County Court, employ a County Superintendent of Public Instruction whose duty shall be to carry out the policies established by the Board and the provisions of law.  Said Superintendent employed shall take office at the expiration of the present term of office.  Whenever a vacancy shall occur in the office of the County Superintendent by death or resignation, a successor shall be appointed by the County Board of Education to take office immediately following approval by the Quarterly County Court as provided above."

SECTION 2.  That the qualifications for said Superintendent shall be those which are provided by the general law.

SECTION 3.  That the Superintendent shall serve at the pleasure of the Board but he shall be given not less than thirty (30) days notice before his employment is terminated.

SECTION 4.  That, except as specifically provided for herein, the operation and control of the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be governed by the general law.

SECTION 5.  That this Act shall have no effect unless the same shall have been approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Quarterly County Court of Haywood County, on or before the July term of said Court.  Its approval or non-approval shall be proclaimed by the presiding officer of the Quarterly County Court and certified by him to the Secretary of State.

SECTION 6.  That this Act shall take effect for the purpose of validating the same, as provided for in Section 5 hereof, from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  April 8, 1969.