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Private Acts of 1967-68 Chapter 2

COMPILER'S NOTE: This act establishes the civil districts of Pickett County, which are not necessarily the same as county legislative body districts.

SECTION 1. That the civil districts of Pickett County be and they are hereby rearranged into four (4) civil districts and the numbers and boundaries of said districts shall be as follows, to-wit:


Beginning at the point where the Pickett County-Fentress County line crosses the East Fork of Obey River section of Dale Hollow Reservoir; thence down the center of East Fork of Obey River and Dale Hollow Reservoir with the various meanders thereof to the L. B. Hassler Bridge on Highway 42; thence northwardly and eastwardly with the center of Highway 42 to the center of North Main Street in the City of Byrdstown; thence southwardly and eastwardly with the center of Main Street to the northwest corner of the Courthouse square; thence eastwardly with the center of the street along the north side of the Courthouse square; thence southwardly with the center of the street along the east side of Courthouse square to the center of the intersection of Moodyville Road; thence eastwardly with the center of Moodyville Road to the center of an intersection of said road at a point between the Bethel Huddleston residence and the Flemon Brown residence; thence northwardly with the meanders of the County road which intersects said Moodyville Road as aforesaid to the center of Wolf River; thence southeastwardly with the center of Wolf River to the Pickett County and Fentress County line; thence with the Pickett County-Fentress County line to the point of beginning.


Beginning at a point in the center of Dale Hollow Reservoir where same is crossed by Highway 42 at the L. B. Hassler Bridge; thence westwardly with the center of the main body of the Dale Hollow Reservoir to the mouth of Cove Creek; thence northeastwardly with the center of Cove Creek to a point in the north line of the Dale Hollow Reservoir boundary; thence in a northwardly direction a straight line to the southwest corner of the tract of land upon which Woodrow Amonett now lives; thence northwardly with the west line of said Woodrow Amonett tract to the center of the road which leads from Highway 42 to Star Point Dock; thence northeastwardly with the center of said road to the first intersection of the road which leads northwardly to Jones Chapel; thence northwardly with the center of said road to the intersection near the Howard Tidrow residence; thence northeastwardly with the center of the road which leads past the J. M. Jolley residence to the intersection at the Frank Sells farm; thence northwardly with the center of the road which passes the Stone Means residence to the Lovelady- Jones Chapel Road near the residence of Tom Jones; thence westwardly with the center of the Lovelady-Jones Chapel road to the point where it crosses Meetinghouse Branch near the old John Reagan homeplace; thence northwestwardly with the center of Meetinghouse Branch to the center of Dale Hollow Reservoir; thence up Dale Hollow Reservoir with the center thereof to the Kentucky State line; thence eastwardly with the Kentucky State Line crossing the peninsula north of the H. T. Groce residence to the center of Dale Hollow Reservoir; thence southeastwardly with the center of Dale Hollow Reservoir and Wolf River to the point where the county road which leads northwardly from Etter Community to the Edd Nicholas place crosses said Wolf River; thence southwardly with the center of said road to the center of the Moodyville Road; thence westwardly with the center of Moodyville Road to the southeast corner of the Courthouse square in Byrdstown; thence northwardly with the center of the street along the east side of Courthouse square; thence westwardly with the center of the street along the north side of Courthouse square to the center of Main Street at northwest corner of square; thence westwardly and northwardly with the center of Main Street to the center of Highway 42; thence with the center of Highway 42 westwardly and southwardly to the beginning.


Beginning at the northeast corner of Pickett County at a point in the Kentucky State line; thence westwardly with the Kentucky State line to the center of the Wolf River section of Dale Hollow Reservoir at a point east of the H. T. Groce residence; thence southeastwardly with the center of Dale Hollow Reservoir and Wolf River to the Fentress County line; thence northwardly and eastwardly with the Fentress County line to the Scott County line; thence northwestwardly with the Scott County line to the beginning.


Beginning at a point in the Pickett County-Fentress County line in the center of the East Fork of Obey River section of Dale Hollow Reservior; thence down and with the center of Obey River and Dale Hollow Reservoir to the mouth of Cove Creek; thence northeastwardly with the center of Cove Creek to a point in the north line of the Dale Hollow Reservoir boundary; thence in a northwardly direction a straight line to the southwest corner of the tract of land upon which Woodrow Amonett now lives; thence northwardly with the west line of said Woodrow Amonett tract to the center of the road which leads from Highway 42 to Star Point Dock; thence northeastwardly with the center of said road to the first intersection of the road which leads northwardly to Jones Chapel; thence northwardly with the center of said road to the intersection near the Howard Tidrow residence; thence northeastwardly with the center of the road which leads past the J. M. Jolley residence to the intersection at the Frank Sells farm; thence northwardly with the center of the road which passes the Stone Means residence to the Lovelady- Jones Chapel Road near the residence of Tom Jones; thence westwardly with the center of the Lovelady-Jones Chapel road to the point where it crosses Meetinghouse Branch near the old John Reagan homeplace; thence northwestwardly with the center of Meetinghouse Branch to the center of Dale Hollow Reservoir; thence up Dale Hollow Reservoir with the center thereto to the Kentucky State line; thence westwardly with the Kentucky State line to the northeast corner of Clay County; thence southwardly with the Clay County line to the Overton County line; thence southeastwardly with the Overton County line to the Fentress County line; thence eastwardly and northwardly with the Fentress County line to the beginning.

SECTION 2. That the enactment of this statute shall not affect the present term of office of the Justices of the Peace and Constables of Pickett County elected from the civil districts of said county as heretofore constituted and existing. The Justices of the Peace for each of the four Civil Districts established by this Act shall be elected as the law requires and for the terms provided on the first Thursday in August, 1972, and take office on September 1, 1972, and the Constables for each of the four Civil Districts established by this Act shall be elected as the law requires and for the terms provided on the first Thursday in August, 1968, and take office on September 1, 1968. In order that the Quarterly County Court of Pickett County and the County Commissioners of Election may make provisions for voting precincts and registering voters according to this Act and for all other purposes except as stated in Section 4, this Act shall take effect upon being ratified as provided in Section 3 of this Act.

SECTION 3. That this Act shall have no effect unless the same shall be approved by a majority of the voters voting in an election to be held for such purpose. Within 30 days after the approval of this Act by the Governor, or after its otherwise effective date, it shall be the duty of the County Board of Election Commissioners of Pickett County to call an election for the county to be held not less than 20 nor more than 40 days from the date of such call for the purpose of accepting or rejecting the provisions of this Act. The ballots used in such election shall have printed thereon the title, caption or general substance of this Act and voters shall vote for or against its adoption. The votes cast at such election shall be canvassed by the County Board of Election Commissioners upon the first Monday occurring 5 or more days next after the date of such election and the results shall be proclaimed by such board and certified to the Secretary of State. The qualification of voters shall be that provided by law for participation in general elections and all laws applicable to general elections shall apply to an election held hereunder. The cost of said election shall be paid by the county to which this Act applies.

SECTION 4. That for the purpose of ratifying this Act as provided in Section 3, it shall take effect upon its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 6, 1967.