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Private Acts of 1963 Chapter 176

SECTION 1.  That the Circuit Court Clerk for Clay County, Tennessee, shall be entitled to and receive the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) per annum for his services as Clerk of the Court of General Sessions.  Such sum shall be in addition to and supplementary of the salary allowed him as Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County under the provisions of Section 8-2405 of the Tennessee Code Annotated.  Payments of such sum shall be made by equal monthly installments out of the general fund of the County.  In the event the Clerk's fees of such office exceed the amount allowed him as Circuit Court Clerk under the provisions of the above Code section and the provisions of this Chapter combined, he may elect and accept such fees in lieu of salary.  Provision for this added compensation is made pursuant to authority granted in Section 18-408 of the Tennessee Code Annotated.

SECTION 2.  That this Act shall have no effect unless the same be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Quarterly County Court of Clay County.  The presiding officer shall proclaim its approval or non-approval and shall certify the same to the Secretary of State.

SECTION 3.  That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 18, 1963.