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Private Acts of 1963 Chapter 170

SECTION 1. That the county line between Bedford and Rutherford County be and the same hereby is changed whereby and so as to detach from Bedford County and attach to Rutherford County the following described land: "A body of lands, title to which is in James Threet and wife by two certain deeds of conveyance, and Glen Lane and wife by one certain deed of conveyance (1) deed from A. E. Travis and wife to James Threet and wife recorded in the Register's Office of Bedford County, Tennessee, December 17, 1957, in Deed Book 74, page 82; and (2) the easterly 200 feet of the tract deeded from Frank L. Farris and wife to James Threet and wife recorded in the Register's Office of Bedford County, Tennessee, March 24, 1962, in Deed Book 85, page 283; and (3) deed from James Threet and wife to Glen Lane and wife recorded in the Register's Office of Bedford County, Tennessee, January 3, 1963, in Deed Book 87, page 290, which body of lands as a whole is bounded on the North by the Rutherford-Bedford County line and the lands of Faulk; on the South partly by the lands of Estle Threet and Rutherford-Bedford County line and the lands of Bryant; on the East by the Rutherford County Line and the lands of Bryant, Zumbro and Faulk; and on the West by the lands of James Threet being approximately 4 acres.

SECTION 2. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 18, 1963.