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Private Acts of 1963 Chapter 125

SECTION 1. That the County Highway Superintendent of Rutherford County, in addition to his regular duties now prescribed by law, is hereby directed and authorized to attend meetings of the Rutherford County Planning Commission in connection with matters before the Planning Commission relating to the industrial and residential expansion of said County.

The County Highway Superintendent shall work in conjunction and cooperation with the said County Planning Commission on all matters pertaining to zoning requirements and regulations, as well as the opening and laying out of new streets, roads, utilities and subdivisions of real property.

He shall likewise coordinate the duties and functions of the County Highway Commission as may be applicable to the Interstate Highway System and program, and including the proposed construction of the Percy Priest Dam to be located on Stone's River. The Quarterly County Court of Rutherford County is hereby authorized to fix the amount of compensation of the County Highway Superintendent for the performance of such additional duties imposed hereunder, and said additional compensation shall be paid in equal monthly installments out of the general funds of said County.

SECTION 2. That this Act shall have no effect unless the same be approved by a twothirds vote of the Quarterly County Court of Rutherford County. The presiding officer of such body shall announce the approval or non-approval and shall certify the same to the Secretary of State at Nashville.

SECTION 3. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 8, 1963.