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Private Acts of 1961 Chapter 61

SECTION 1. That in counties of this State having a population of not less than 15,080 nor more than 15,090, according to the 1960 Federal Census or any subsequent Federal Census, the election of the members of the County Board of Education shall be by the qualified voters in said county rather than by the Quarterly County Court as now provided under the general law. At the regular election in August 1962, there shall be elected two Board members to serve in the place of those two whose terms expire in July 1961, and in July 1962, respectively; at the regular election in August 1964, there shall be elected two Board members to serve in the place of the two whose terms expire in July 1963, and July 1964, respectively; at the regular election in August 1966, there shall be elected two Board members to serve in the place of those two whose terms expire in July 1965 and in July 1966, respectively; and at the regular election in August 1968, there shall be elected one Board member to serve in the place of the Board member whose term expires in July 1967. The term of office for each of the Board members whose election is provided for in this Act shall be for a term of four years, beginning September 1 following their election, or until their successors shall have been elected and qualified. All terms of office thereafter for Board members in said county or counties shall be for a period of four years or until their successors shall have been elected and qualified. Vacancies created by the transition from the Board as it now exists to the Board provided for under the terms of this Act shall not be filled but shall remain vacant.

SECTION 2. That this Act shall have no effect unless the same be approved by a majority vote of the qualified voters of any such county voting thereon. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners of Elections of the Counties to which this Act applies, to call an election for the County, for the purpose of accepting or rejecting the provisions of this Act. The ballots used in such election shall have printed thereon the title of this Act and the voters shall vote for or against its adoption at the places appropriately provided therefor. The votes cast at such election shall be canvassed by the Commissioners of Elections of the county, upon the first Monday occurring five or more days next after the date of such election and the results shall be proclaimed by the Commission and certified by the Commission to the Secretary of State immediately after the votes have been canvassed. The general election laws, except as otherwise provided herein, shall apply in all respects to the election held hereunder.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1961, Chapter 349.

SECTION 3. That this Act shall become effective from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: February 16, 1961.