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Private Acts of 1961 Chapter 327

SECTION 1.  That in counties of this state having a population of not less than 19,000 nor more than 19,100 according to the Federal Census of 1960 or any subsequent Federal Census, the County Superintendent of Schools shall be elected by popular vote of the qualified voters of such counties at the general election in August 1964.  The term of the first superintendent elected under this Act shall commence on January 2, 1965 following the expiration of the term of the present Superintendent of Schools.  The term of office thereafter shall be for a period of four (4) years beginning September 1, 1968.  Superintendents elected under the provisions of this Act shall possess the same qualifications, powers, and duties as that required by the general law of this State.

SECTION 2.  That all vacancies occurring in said office because of death or resignation shall be filled by the Quarterly County Courts in said counties until the next regular election following the vacancy.

SECTION 3.  That this Act shall be of no force and effect unless the same shall be approved in an election by a majority of those voting in said election in the counties affected within sixty (60) days after the same shall have been signed by the Governor of Tennessee.  Ballots used in such election shall have printed thereon the caption, title, or substance of this Act together with the words



and voters shall vote for or against adoption.  The said election is declared to be for a county governmental purpose and the counties shall expend from their general funds the monies necessary to conduct the election.  The votes cast shall be canvassed by the County Board of Election Commissioners upon the first Monday occurring five or more days next after the date of such election and the results shall be proclaimed by said Board and certified to the Secretary of State.

SECTION 4.  That this Act shall become effective from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 15, 1961.