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Private Acts of 1961 Chapter 311

SECTION 1.  That Chapter 150 of the Private Acts of the General Assembly of Tennessee for the year of 1919, and the amendments thereto, said original Act being entitled "A Bill entitled an Act to create and establish a Special School District in the First Civil District of Henry County, Tennessee, including the City of Paris, to be known as the 'Paris Special School District', to define its boundaries and to provide for the government, management and control of the schools therein, the selection of schools officers and teachers for the same, and to provide revenue for the maintenance of the schools in said district", all as validated by Chapter 510 of the Private Acts of the General Assembly of Tennessee for the year 1949, same being an Act entitled "An Act validating the organization of the Paris Special School District in Henry County, Tennessee, authorizing the issuance of $12,000 School Bonds of said District, and levying a tax for the payment of principal of and interest on said bonds", be and the same is hereby amended so as to provide that beginning with the tax year 1961 and continuing annually thereafter, there shall be levied for the purpose of supporting and maintaining the schools of said Paris Special School District, and for the purpose of purchasing sites for new buildings, for constructing additions to existing school buildings, and for constructing new building for said District, a tax of sixty-five (65¢) cents on each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) of taxable property within said Paris Special School District.  The taxes herein assessed shall be due and collected at the same time and in the same manner as taxes are collected under the general laws of the State of Tennessee by the County Trustee of Henry County.  The said taxes herein provided for, together with all other school funds received from the County Trustee under the General School Laws of the State of Tennessee, funds received from the State of Tennessee, and funds received from the Federal Government, shall constitute the school funds for the said Paris Special School District, which funds shall be under the control of the Board of School Trustees of the districts for the use and benefit of the schools of the district.

SECTION 2.  That the powers of the Board of Trustees for said district as defined in Section 4, Chapter 150, of the 1919 Private Acts of Tennessee, are hereby enlarged to include the power to borrow money against the credit of the Paris Special School District as created by anticipated tax receipts and/or State receipts for capital outlay purposes.

SECTION 3.  That all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

SECTION 4.  That this Act shall become effective from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 15, 1961.