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Private Acts of 1961 Chapter 221

COMPILER'S NOTE: The first five Sections of this Act concerned the conditions of retirement and are not repeated here. See General Sessions Court Section for the complete Act.

SECTION 6. That for the purpose of creating the General Sessions Judges Retirement Fund hereinbefore mentioned, there shall be taxed and paid as part of the costs a litigation tax of $2.50 on all civil cases in General Sessions Courts of counties included within the population bracket set out above; and $5.00 on all criminal cases including those misdemeanor cases requiring the signing of a waiver by the Defendant to give such General Sessions Court jurisdiction. The litigation tax imposed by this Act shall be in addition to that now levied on such cases by the general law of the State for other purposes.

The funds derived from the litigation tax herein imposed shall be paid to the Trustees of such counties quarterly by the 10th day of the each January, April, July and October, and by him credited to the General Sessions Judges Retirement Fund.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1979, Chapter 5

Passed: March 8, 1961.