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Private Acts of 1959 Chapter 48

SECTION 1. That, in all counties in Tennessee having a population as described in the caption, a county superintendent of education shall be elected by the people at the regular August election of county officers, for a four-year term, to take office September 1 thereafter, the compensation therefor to be as now provided by law. So as not to abridge the term of office of the present incumbent the first election hereunder shall be held in August 1960, the person elected to take office at the expiration of the term of the present incumbent, to serve until September 1, 1964.  

SECTION 2. That if any section or part of this Act should be declared unconstitutional, the invalidity thereof shall not affect the validity of the remainder.

SECTION 3. That this Act shall be void and of no effect unless the same shall be approved by a majority of voters voting in a special election to be held for such purpose. Within sixty (60) days after the approval of this Act by the Governor, it shall be the duty of the Trousdale County Board of Election Commissioners to call a special election to be held in said County and said election shall be held not less than thirty (30) nor more than sixty (60) days from the date of such call for the purpose of approving or rejecting the provisions of this Act. The ballots used in such election shall have printed thereon the provisions of this Act and the voters shall vote for or against its adoption. The vote cast at such election shall be canvassed by the County Board of Election Commissioners on the first Monday occurring five (5) or more days after the date of such election and the result thereof shall be proclaimed by such Election Commission and certified to the Secretary of State at Nashville. The qualification of the voters voting in said election shall be the same as now required of voters casting their ballot for members of the General Assembly and all laws applicable to general elections shall apply to the election to be held hereunder, the public welfare requiring it

As amended by: Private Acts of 1959, Chapter 139

SECTION 4. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: _________________.

COMPILER'S NOTE: The date the Act passed was left blank in the original Act.