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Private Acts of 1959 Chapter 346

SECTION 1. That the present civil districts of Rhea County numbering from One to Two be, and the same are hereby abolished, effective September 1, 1960.

SECTION 2. That in lieu of the present two districts theretofore existing in Rhea County there are hereby created Four Civil Districts for said County as follows:


The First Civil District of Rhea County shall be as follows:

Beginning at the mouth of Piney River, and running up the meanders of the same to the forks of Piney River, in the Shutin Gap; then with the North prong of Piney to Dunlap or Stinging Fork; and then with the same to the mouth of Big Soak; thence with the meanders of Big Soak to the Cumberland County line; Provided, That all of the territory within said Rhea County and lying North of said Piney River, and the extension thereof aforesaid to the Cumberland County line, shall compose the First District of said County.


The Second Civil District shall be as follows:

Beginning at the mouth of Clear Creek, and running up the meanders of the same to where said Creek empties out of the mountain; then a direct course to mouth of Moccasin Creek thence with Moccasin Creek and its waters to the Bledsoe County line at its nearest point;

Provided, That all of the territory within said County and lying between said Clear Creek and the line aforesaid, to the line of the First Civil District aforesaid, shall compose the second Civil District of said County.


The Third Civil District shall be as follows:

Beginning at the mouth of Richland Creek and running up the meanders of the same to the Bledsoe County line;

COMPILER'S NOTE: Today, Civil Districts and Magisterial or Commissioner Districts are not necessarily the same.

Provided, That all of the territory within said County and lying North of Richland Creek and South of the line of the Second Civil District aforesaid, shall compose the Third Civil District of said County.


The Fourth Civil District shall be as follows:

The Fourth Civil District of said County shall comprise all of the territory within said County lying South of -said Richland Creek, and North of the Hamilton County line, to so remain until changed by Act of the General Assembly.

SECTION 3. That in the General County Election in 1960, the Justices of the Peace and Constables for the districts above set out shall be elected by the qualified voters of said Districts.

SECTION 4. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions hereof, be and the same hereby are repealed.

SECTION 5. That if any clause, sentence or paragraph, section, or any part of this Act shall be held or declared to be unconstitutional and void it shall not affect the remaining part or parts of this Act, it being hereby declared to be the legislative intention to have passed the remainder of this Act notwithstanding the parts so held to be invalid, if any.

SECTION 6. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it, but this Act shall not have the effect of removing the present Justices of the Peace or Constables from their offices during the term for which they were elected but they shall hold their offices until the expiration of their terms, and the Quarterly County Court as now constituted shall remain the same until the Justices of the Peace elected under this Act take their office in 1960.

SECTION 7. That this Act shall have no effect unless the same shall have been approved by two-thirds vote of the Quarterly County Court of Rhea County, Tennessee, on or before the next regular meeting of said Quarterly County Court occurring more than Sixty Days after its approval by the Chief Executive of this State. Its approval, or non-approval, shall be proclaimed by the Chairman of the Quarterly County Court of Rhea County, Tennessee, and shall be certified by him to the Secretary of State.

Passed: March 19, 1959.