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Private Acts of 1959 Chapter 340

SECTION 1.  That hereafter in counties having a population of not less than 41,035 nor more than 41,055, according to the Federal Census of 1950 or any subsequent Federal Census, it shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm or corporation to maintain a junkyard within five hundred (500) feet of the property line of any church, synagogue, temple, chapel, or other place of worship.

SECTION 2.  That as used in this Act, the term "junkyard" shall mean any place or location where three or more incapacitated motor vehicles are kept, located, or stored, for the purpose of being scrapped, dismantled, or sold for junk as a whole or in parts.

SECTION 3.  That violation of the provisions of this Act shall be a misdemeanor, punishable upon conviction thereof by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00).  Each day that such violation is continued shall be deemed a separate offense.

SECTION 4.  That a junkyard maintained in violation hereof is hereby declared a public nuisance.

SECTION 5.  That the Legislature expressly declares that each section and provision of this Act is severable, and that should any provision of this Act be held unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall not affect the remainder of this Act, but such unconstitutional or invalid portion shall be elided, and the Legislature declares that it would have enacted this Act with such unconstitutional or invalid portions elided therefrom.

SECTION 6.  That this Act shall have no effect unless the same shall have been approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the Quarterly County Court of any county to which it may apply on or before the next regular meeting of such Quarterly County Court occurring more than thirty (30) days after its approval by the Chief Executive of this State.  Its approval or non-approval shall be certified by the presiding officer of the body having jurisdiction to approve or the reverse, and shall be certified by him to the Secretary of State.

SECTION 7.  That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 19, 1959.