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Private Acts of 1959 Chapter 266

SECTION 1. That the County Register of the County of Marion, State of Tennessee, shall not record any deed conveying real estate in said county unless same bears the stamp of the Tax Assessor of said county, certifying that said Tax Assessor has copied the names of the vendor and vendee, and ascertained the consideration in said deed of conveyance for the purpose of making proper corrections on his roll of assessments.

SECTION 2. That it shall be the duty of the Tax Assessor of Marion County to be present in person, or to have a deputy present, at his office in the Courthouse during office hours. It shall be the further duty of the Tax Assessor to stamp or to cause to be stamped all deeds presented at his office, with a stamp showing that he has copied the name of the vendor and vendee and ascertained the consideration in said deed of conveyance for the purpose of making proper corrections on his roll of assessments. It shall be the duty of the Tax Assessor to correct his tax rolls in all such cases so that the tax rolls of Marion County will be kept up to date and will show the correct owners of real estate to the end that property may be assessed in the name of the true owners thereof. Failure of the Tax Assessor of Marion County to comply with the provisions of this Act shall constitute misconduct in office.

SECTION 3. That it shall be the duty of the Tax Assessor of Marion County to collect a fee of One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) for his services in placing a stamp upon each deed. Said fee shall be collected by the County Tax Assessor at the time the deed is stamped and shall be paid as a prerequisite to registration. The Tax Assessor shall pay over all said funds collected by him at the end of each month to the County Trustee for deposit in the general county funds of Marion County, accompanied by a written report listing the persons from whom each such fee was collected. The Tax Assessor shall keep a receipt book with numbered duplicate copies of each receipt and shall give a receipt to each person paying such a fee and keep a duplicate thereof in his office, which duplicate shall be a public record.

SECTION 4. That the County Tax Assessor may appoint a Deputy, and that the said Deputy may be compensated at a rate not to exceed $150.00 per month. The Deputy's monthly compensation shall consist of the fees collected as provided in Section 3 hereof and any other remuneration that may be allowed by law. At the end of each calendar month, the County Judge will issue a warrant to the Deputy, based upon the ending month's fees. If the total amount of fees collected plus any other lawful compensation due the Deputy exceeds $150.00, the excess is to remain in the County General Fund.

SECTION 5. That the provisions of this Act are hereby declared to be severable. If any of its sections, provisions, exceptions, sentences, clauses, phrases or parts be held unconstitutional or void, the remainder of this Act shall continue in full force and effect, it being the legislative intent, now hereby declared, that this Act would have been adopted even if such unconstitutional or void matter had not been included therein.

SECTION 6. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

SECTION 7. That this Act shall have no effect unless the same shall be approved by two-thirds vote of the Quarterly County Court of the county or counties to which said Act applies, on or before the next regular meeting of siad [sic] Quarterly County Court, occurring more than thirty days after the approval of this Act by the Governor of Tennessee. The action of the Quarterly County Court hereon shall be proclaimed by the presiding officer thereof and shall be certified by him to the Secretary of State.

Passed: March 20, 1959.