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Private Acts of 1959 Chapter 200

SECTION 1. That in counties of this state with a population of not less than 14,915 nor more than 14,920, by the Federal Census of 1950, or any subsequent Federal Census, the Quarterly County Court shall appropriate to the County Tax Assessor a sum not in excess of $1,600 in any calendar year for the purpose of providing him clerical and stenographic assistance and to be expended for his expenses in the discharge of his official duty, provided however, that no more than $200 per month shall be expended by him in any calendar month.

Such sums as he may expend for the above mentioned purposes shall be paid to him upon his sworn statement that he has expended the sums set out, which sworn statement shall be filed in the office of the County Court Clerk in counties to which this Act applies, shall be a public record and open for inspection by any taxpayer.

SECTION 2. That this Act shall be void and of no effect unless within six months (6) from the date of final legislative action thereon the same shall be approved and ratified by a two-thirds majority of the Quarterly County Court.

SECTION 3. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 19, 1959.