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Private Acts of 1957 Chapter 9

SECTION 1. That a Commission be and the same is hereby created for Williamson
County, Tennessee, said Commission to be known as the "Williamson County Governmental
Library Commission." Said Commission shall be composed of five members to be appointed,
one by the Judge of the Circuit Court, one by the Judge or Chancellor holding the Chancery
Court, one by the Judge of the County Court, one by the Judge of the Court of General Sessions,
and one by the President of the Franklin Bar Association. Said Commissioners are to be
appointed for a term of two years or until their successors are appointed, but they shall serve
without compensation and shall themselves elect a Chairman and Secretary from their
members. In event of vacancy in the office of Commissioner by death, resignation, refusal to
serve or otherwise such vacancy shall be filled for the balance of said term of two years by the
official, or his successor in office, who made the original appointment of said Commissioner.
SECTION 2. That the purpose of said Commission shall be to establish, acquire,
maintain and operate a County Governmental Library for the assistance of the Courts, Judges,
public officials, attorneys and the public of said County, and the Commission shall have full
power and authority to acquire by purchase, gift, loan or otherwise such law books, codes,
treatises and other works of law, government, medicine, history or literature that it may deem
necessary or beneficial to the Courts, public officials of the State, County or City, members of
the Bar and the public for study on questions of law or Government; also in like manner to
acquire all furniture and equipment necessary to establish, maintain and operate said County
Governmental Library, together with the right to employ and discharge Librarians and assistants,
if necessary, and to fix the salary of such employees, and in their discretion to make all
reasonable rules and regulations governing the operation and use of said Library; to lease, rent or
acquire by any means other than purchase, space in which to house said Library provided space
in the Court House or other public building is insufficient, but so long as sufficient space can be
given in the Court House or other public building of the County, same shall be furnished the
Library without charge. All books, furniture, and equipment purchased or acquired other than by
loan, shall become the property of said County. If necessary to provide sufficient operating
funds for said Library said Commission is empowered to fix, assess and collect reasonable dues
for its use from all persons using the Library except Judges or other public officials.
SECTION 3. That for the purpose of financing said Library, there shall be taxed, as costs,
in each suit, Civil, or Criminal in the Court of General Sessions of Williamson County and of
each suit, Criminal, Civil or Equitable, now pending or hereafter filed in or arising in any Court
of record in said County in which a litigation tax is now charged and collected, the sum of fifty
cents. The costs taxed in pursuance of this Section shall be collected as other costs in such cases
are collected and the same shall be designated "County Governmental Library Tax." On or
before the last day of each month the Clerks of the respective Courts shall pay to the County
Trustee all amounts collected as County Governmental Library Tax in the preceding calendar
month. The sum paid to the County Trustee shall be designated "County Governmental Library
Fund," and used only for the purposes set out in this Act. On approval of the majority of the
Commission the Chairman and Secretary shall draw warrants on the County Trustee for
expenditures of the Commission, indicating on each warrant the fund against which it is drawn,
and the County Trustee is hereby authorized and directed to make payment out of said fund upon
the presentation of warrants so issued in compliance with the provisions of this Act.
SECTION 4. That all dues, charges and other funds received by said Library
Commission directly shall be paid into the office of the County Trustee in a like manner and at
like times as money collected hereunder shall be paid by the Clerks of the various Courts to said
County Trustee.
SECTION 5. That said Commission shall keep written minutes of its meetings, at which
meetings a majority of said Commission then serving shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business and said Commission shall keep a record of all money received and
disbursed, purchases, loans or destruction of books and other property and a proper inventory
with reasonable accuracy.
SECTION 6. That if any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part of this Act shall be
held or declared to be unconstitutional and void, it shall not affect the remaining parts of this Act,
it being hereby declared to be the legislative intent to have passed the remainder of this Act
notwithstanding the part so held to be invalid, if any.
SECTION 7. That this act shall have no effect unless the same shall have been approved
by two-thirds of the Quarterly County Court of Williamson County on or before October 15,
1957. Upon such approval this act shall become effective immediately, the public welfare
requiring it. The approval or lack of approval by October 15, 1957 of this act shall be
proclaimed by the presiding officer of the Quarterly Court of Williamson County and shall be
certified by him to the Secretary of State as promptly as is reasonably possible.
Passed: January 23, 1957.