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Private Acts of 1957 Chapter 294

COMPILER'S NOTE:  All of the substantive sections of this act were deleted and new provisions were inserted by Private Acts of 1965, Chapter 125.  This act must be read in conjunction with Private Acts of 1927, Chapter 317, and Private Acts of 1929, Chapter 917, both reproduced herein.

SECTION 1.  That said District Board of Education will consist of seven (7) members and the Board shall be composed of one member from the Fifteenth (15th) Civil District of Carroll County, namely C. B. Williams, one member from the Seventeenth (17th), namely C. T. Douglas, one member from the Eighteenth (18th), namely Bernard Butler, and the Sixteenth (16th) Civil District shall be represented by one (1) member from Hollow Rock, Tennessee, two (2) members from Bruceton, Tennessee, and one Member-at-Large from the Sixteenth (16th) Civil District and one (1) member from the Fifteenth (15th) Civil District Precinct shall be elected for a four (4) year term of office; and one (1) member from the Seventeenth (17th) Civil District and one (1) member from the Eighteenth (18th) Civil District shall be elected for a two (2) year term; the remaining members of said Board to serve until the next regular August election in 1968 when there shall be elected one (1) member from the corporate limits of Hollow Rock, one (1) member from the corporate limits of Bruceton, and one (1) member from the Seventeenth (17th) Civil District and one (1) member from the Eighteenth (18th) Civil District shall be elected for a four (4) year term.  Thereafter the term of office for all Board Members shall be for four (4) years and until their successors are elected and qualified so as to provide for staggered terms of Office for Board Members.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1965, Chapter 125.

SECTION 2.  That the election of members of the District Board of Education shall be by an election held under the auspices of the Board of Election Commissioners for Carroll County, Tennessee, and in the election of members of said District Board of Education the qualified voters of the Hollow Rock Precinct shall elect the Board member from the Town of Hollow Rock, and the qualified voters of the Bruceton Precinct shall elect the members of said District Board of Education from the Town of Bruceton, and the qualified voters of both Precincts (Hollow Rock and Bruceton) shall elect the Board Member-at-Large from the rural area of the Sixteenth (16th) Civil District, the qualified voters of the Fifteenth (15th) Civil District voting Precinct shall elect the member from the Fifteenth (15th) Civil District, the qualified voters of the Seventeenth (17th) Civil District Voting Precinct shall elect the member from the Seventeenth (17th) Civil District, and the qualified voters of the Eighteenth (18th) Civil District voting precinct shall elect the member from the Eighteenth (18th) Civil District.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1965, Chapter 125.

SECTION 3.  That this Act shall have no effect unless the same shall be approved by a majority of the voters residing in the area embraced within said Hollow Rock-Bruceton Special School District in an election to be held for such purpose.

It shall be the duty of the Board of Election Commissioners of Carroll County, Tennessee, after final legislative action upon this Act, to call an election to be held on the ________________________ 1965, at the regular voting precincts in the Civil Districts embraced in the area covered by this Act.  Not less than thirty (30) days notice shall be given by said Election Commissioners of said election.  Ballots used in said election shall have printed thereon the title or substance of this Act, and voters shall vote for or against its adoption.  The votes cast at such election shall be canvassed by the Board of Election Commissioners upon the first Monday occurring five days or more next after the date of such election, and the results shall be proclaimed by such Board and certified to the Secretary of State and to the Board of Education of the Hollow Rock-Bruceton Special School District.  The qualification of voters shall be that as provided by the General Election Laws of this State.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1965, Chapter 125.

SECTION 4. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 22, 1957.