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Private Acts of 1957 Chapter 243

SECTION 1.  That there is hereby re-established the management, operations and control of the Bonny Oaks School for dependent and neglected youthful persons in Hamilton County, Tennessee, located on Bonny Oaks Drive in Hamilton County, and the present Board of Trustees, namely:  Z. Cartter Patten, Creed F. Bates, Martin Ochs, W. Clarence Hudlow, and the County Judge of Hamilton County, Tennessee, and their successors shall constitute and be the Board of Trustees of the Bonny Oaks School, which is vested with the exclusive management, supervision and control of the Bonny Oaks School, located on Bonny Oaks Drive in Hamilton County, Tennessee, together with all properties, personnel and the entire operations pertaining thereto.  The Board of Trustees shall be appointed and selected as provided in this Act, four (4) of whom shall be appointed by the concurrent action of the Judges of the Law and Chancery Courts of Hamilton County, Tennessee, the fifth (5th) shall be the County Judge of Hamilton County, Tennessee, who shall be exofficio a [sic] member of said Board of Trustees.  Upon and by the passage of this Act, Z. Cartter Patton shall be appointed for a term of one (1) year; W. Clarence Hudlow shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years; Creed F. Bates shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years; Martin Ochs shall be appointed for a term of four (4) years.  Upon the expiration of any of the terms of said appointments all appointments shall be made by the Judges for a term of four (4) years, with the exception of appointments made for unexpired terms where vacancy is caused by death, resignation or removal.  The appointments made by the Judges of the Law and Chancery Courts of Hamilton County, Tennessee, may be made by them at Chambers as well as during term time and the order for such appointments may be spread on the records of either of said Courts, and a duly certified copy thereof, under the certification and seal of the Clerk of said Court shall be sufficient evidence of an appointment.

SECTION 2.  That funds for the operation of The Bonny Oaks School and its personnel and entire operations shall continue to be furnished by Hamilton County, although the distribution of such funds shall be exclusively within the discretion of said Board of Trustees.

SECTION 3.  That the Board shall have exclusive authority to hire personnel necessary to effect the purpose of this Act, and the operations of The Bonny Oaks School; to fix the wages and determine the conditions of employment and to define the duties.  The Board shall have exclusive authority to make reasonable rules and regulations proper for the operations and maintenance of the school and shall also have full and complete authority over the grounds, buildings and personnel, equipment, operations and any and everything pertaining to said School.  The Trustees shall have exclusive authority of approval of admissions and dismissals and to make rules and regulations for the entrance of any youthful persons to the school.

SECTION 4.  That said School shall continue a body politic and corporate under the name and style of THE BONNY OAKS SCHOOL.  It shall have the power to sue and be sued by the corporate name; to have and use a corporate seal; to purchase and hold or receive by requests, gifts or devise in addition to its personal property owned by the corporation, real estate for the transaction of the corporate business and the promotion of the purpose of the School; also to purchase and accept any real estate in payment, or part payment, due the corporation and to sell the same, and shall have the right to sell, convey or dispose of any of its property, real or personal for the use and benefit of THE BONNY OAKS SCHOOL.

SECTION 5.  That title to all the properties of THE BONNY OAKS SCHOOL, real, personal and mixed owned and held by Hamilton County, Tennessee, and the Trustees of THE BONNY OAKS SCHOOL for the use and benefit of the school before the passage of this Act are hereby vested by this Act in the Trustees of THE BONNY OAKS SCHOOL for the maintenance and operations of said School, and the Trustees of THE BONNY OAKS SCHOOL are hereby authorized to sell, convey and dispose of said properties for the use and benefit of said School.

SECTION 6.  That the governing body of Hamilton County may abolish said School and the Board of Trustees in charge thereof, by a proper Resolution of the governing body of Hamilton County, and after the passage of said Resolution said Board of Trustees shall cease to have or exercise any authority over said School, and the properties, if any, owned by said School shall be and become a part of the general property of Hamilton County.

SECTION 7.  That before this Act becomes effective the same must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the governing body of Hamilton County, and that said vote shall be taken within thirty (30) days from the enactment of this Act.

SECTION 8.  That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed and this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 14, 1957.