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Private Acts of 1953 Chapter 554

COMPILER'S NOTE: Private Acts of 1969, Chapter 151, amended Private Acts of 1953, Chapter 554, so that the words "Committing Judge" were changed to "Associate Judge" wherever they appeared.

SECTION 1. That there is hereby created and established the Office of Associate Judge for the Court of General Sessions of Maury County, Tennessee, Part I.

SECTION 2. That said Associate Judge shall have the same qualifications and be subject to the same limitations as to the practice of law now prescribed for the Judge of said Court of General Sessions, Part I.

SECTION 3. That said Associate Judge shall have the same power and authority and jurisdiction as the Judge of the Court of General Sessions of Maury County, Tennessee, Part I, except all appropriate administrative authority necessary for the functioning of the office, including but not limited to the administrative authority vested in the Judge of said Court prior to this amendment.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1969, Chapter 151

SECTION 4. [Repealed by Private Acts of 1969, Chapter 151]

SECTION 5. That the compensation of said Associate Judge shall be Four Thousand Two Hundred ($4,200.00) Dollars per annum, payable in equal monthly installments and said compensation shall be paid out of the general funds of Maury County. The County Judge shall issue warrants drawn upon the Trustee for the payment of the salary herein provided for. Provided that the Associate Judge of said Court from and after his election, qualification, and installation; shall upon taking office September 1, 1958 be paid an annual salary of Four Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($4800.00) in the same manner as herein above set forth.

SECTION 6. That said Associate Judge shall take the same oath of office as prescribed for said General Sessions Judge.

SECTION 7. That the Governor of Tennessee shall appoint the first Associate Judge provided for in this Act, who shall serve until the first day of September 1954, and until his successor has been elected and qualified.

His successor shall be elected by the qualified voters of Maury County at the election for other officers of Maury County, Tennessee, on the First Thursday of August 1954, and shall hold said office from the first day of September, 1954 until the first day of September, 1958, or until his successor is qualified.

His successor shall be elected every eight years at such election for the term provided by law for Judges of Inferior Courts.

In the event of a vacancy in the office of said Associate Judge, that vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the Governor of Tennessee and the person so appointed and qualified shall serve until the next general election and until the successor of said Associate Judge is elected and qualified.

SECTION 8. That this legislature expressly declares that each section, subsection, paragraph and provision of this Act is severable, and that should any portion of this Act be held unconstitutional or invalid, the same shall not affect the remainder of this Act, but such unconstitutional or invalid portion shall be elided, and the legislature declares that it would have enacted this Act with such unconstitutional or invalid portions elided therefrom.

SECTION 9. That all laws in conflict with this Act which apply to Maury County, Tennessee, be and the same are hereby repealed.

SECTION 10. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 8, 1953.