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Private Acts of 1953 Chapter 339

COMPILER’S NOTE: The population range specified in this act does not encompass the population for Hickman County for the year indicated: Hickman County’s actual population in the year 1940 was 14,873. However, because Hickman County is named as the county to which this act applies [both in the caption and the language of the act itself], the act is deemed to be applicable to Hickman County.

SECTION 1. That in Hickman County, Tennessee with a population of not less than 13,350 nor more than 13,370 by the Federal Census of 1940 or any subsequent Federal Census, the Quarterly County Court is hereby authorized to elect for a term of one year, one animal inspector. In case a licensed veterinarian or licensed veterinarians shall be located in said county, then the Quarterly County Court shall be under the obligation to elect such inspector from such licensed veterinarians to the extent of the number in said county. It shall be the duty of such livestock inspector to make an inspection and examination of the livestock in said county and to treat such as may be found ailing or sick with the view of promoting the spread of health among such stock and to reduce the danger of infections or contagious diseases. Such animal inspector may contract with the owner or owners of any diseased livestock found by them for the treatment thereof by such inspector, the compensation therefore to be mutually agreed upon between the parties. Such livestock inspector may be compensated by the Quarterly County Court of such counties to which this Act applied in an amount not to exceed Ten ($10.00) Dollars per annum for the inspector so appointed.

Election thereof may be made by the Quarterly County Court at any regular term and the person so elected shall hold office for a period of one year from the date of such election. The said county shall not be liable for the default or negligence of any such livestock inspector where such County Court has used care and caution in the selection thereof, but nothing herein shall exempt such inspector personally for the negligence in the performance of his duties.

SECTION 2. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 31, 1953.