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Private Acts of 1953 Chapter 312

SECTION 1. That it shall be lawful for any person to take or kill, by any means whatsoever foxes of any species in Macon County.

SECTION 2. That the Quarterly County Court of such County is hereby authorized to pay a bounty not exceeding $3.00 in each case, for the taking of foxes in said County. Before such bounty shall be paid, the person claiming the same shall be a resident of Macon County and shall produce the hide of such fox and make affidavit before the County Court Clerk that said fox was taken in said County and that no bounty has been paid thereon before. The false making of such affidavit shall be punishable as perjury. Upon the above conditions being complied with, the Clerk shall distinctly mark such hide in such manner as to prevent its reuse for this purpose and then shall pay to the claimant such bounty as may have been fixed out of county general funds.

SECTION 3. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 19, 1953.