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Private Acts of 1953 Chapter 197

SECTION 1.  That the Bradley County Memorial Hospital heretofore established under the provisions of Chapter 846 of the Private Acts of 1947 and with State and Federal funds under the provisions of Federal Law known as the "Hill-Burton Act", shall be operated by the Board of Directors, appointed, elected, or chosen under the provisions of said Chapter 846, who shall be vested with full, absolute and complete authority and responsibility for the operation, management, conduct and control of the business and affairs of said hospital.  Said authority and responsibility shall include, but shall not be limited to, the establishment, promulgation and enforcement of rules, regulations, and policies, the upkeep and maintenance of all property, the administration of all financial affairs, the maintenance of separate banking arrangements, the execution of all contracts, the purchase of supplies and equipment, and the employment, supervision, compensation and discharge of all personnel including a Hospital Administrator.

SECTION 2.  That the Board of Directors or Trustees of the Bradley County Memorial Hospital shall prepare and submit to the County Judge of Bradley County who shall present the same to the Quarterly County Court, a summary report of the operations of said hospital for each six month period.

SECTION 3.  That the Board of Directors shall cause an audit to be made annually of the books and records of said hospital by a Certified Public Accountant and reports of said audit, properly certified, shall be delivered to the County Judge who shall present the same to the Quarterly County Court.

SECTION 4.  That the Board of Directors is expressly authorized and directed to equip the Bradley County Memorial Hospital with a fund of working capital out of the moneys available for equipping said hospital in such amount as they may deem necessary and advisable and sufficient to meet the requirements and recommendations of the State and Federal Authorities administering the aid received under the "Hill-Burton Act"; and the Trustee of Bradley County shall pay over to the Board of Directors such working capital fund upon a warrant drawn in the amount fixed by said Board of Directors, which warrant shall be signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Board of Hospital Directors and shall be countersigned when presented to him by the County Judge of Bradley County.

SECTION 5.  That Section 14, Chapter 846, Private Acts of 1947, is hereby amended to insert after the word "Directors", the words, "after retaining such amount as they may deem necessary or advisable for working capital" so that the same shall provide for the retention of working capital out of such profits or funds that are in the hands of the Board of Directors, before the payment over the excess of such profits and funds over the amount necessary or advisable for operating capital, to the Trustee of Bradley County.

COMPILER'S NOTE:  These provisions have been included in the Private Acts of 1947, Chapter 846, published herein on the preceding pages.

SECTION 6.  That should any part of this Act be declared unconstitutional, the remainder thereof shall be valid.

SECTION 7.  That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 18, 1953.