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Private Acts of 1953 Chapter 121

SECTION 1. That the present Civil Districts of McMinn County, Tennessee, the same being numbers one, two and three, be and the same are hereby abolished.

SECTION 2. That in lieu of the present Civil Districts heretofore existing in McMinn County, Tennessee, there are hereby created three Civil Districts for said County as follows:

(1) First Civil District. The First Civil District shall be as follows:

Beginning at the point where the L & N Railroad (Etowah-Wetmore) crosses the Polk- McMinn County line; thence in a northerly direction along said L & N Railroad to the Depot at Etowah, Tennessee; thence from said Depot to 8th Street in the City of Etowah, Tennessee; thence along 8th Street to the Good Springs Road; thence along said road to its intersection with the Big Foot Road; thence along the Big Foot Road to its intersection with the Casey Gap Road; thence in a southwesterly direction along the Casey Gap Road to the Piney Grove Road; thence in a northeasterly direction along the Piney Grove Road to Long Mill Road at W. M. Paisley's Farm thence in a northerly direction along Long Mill Road to Cedar Springs Road thence in a northeasterly direction along Cedar Springs Road to the intersection of Jackson and Main or Madison Streets in the City of Athens, Tennessee; thence along Main or Madison Street to the old Madisonville Road; thence along said Road to the L & N Railroad Branch Line; thence along said Railroad and the present 1st District Line to the point where it intersects or crosses the public road east of Slacks Chapel Church; thence north to the intersection of the Englewood- Niota Road and the Old Madisonville Road; thence in a northerly direction along the Englewood-Niota Road to the Eastanallee Creek; thence in a northeasterly direction along the Eastanallee Creek to the Monroe County line; thence in a southerly direction along the Monroe County line to the Polk County line; thence along the Polk County line to the point of beginning.

(2) Second Civil District. The Second Civil District shall be as follows:

Beginning at the point where the L & N Railroad crosses the Polk-McMinn County line; thence in a northerly direction along said L & N Railroad to the Depot at Etowah, Tennessee; thence from said Depot to 8th Street in the City of Etowah, thence along 8th Street to the Good Springs Road; thence along said Road to its intersection with the Big Foot Road; thence in a northeasterly direction along the Big Foot Road to its intersection with the Casey Gap Road; thence in a southwesterly direction along the Casey Gap Road to the Piney Grove Road; thence in a northeasterly direction along the Piney Grove Road to the Long Mill Road at W. M. Paisley's Farm thence in a northerly direction along Long Mill Road to Cedar Springs Road thence in a northeasterly direction along Cedar Springs Road to the intersection of Jackson and Main or Madison Streets in the City of Athens, Tennessee; thence along Main or Madison Street in a westerly direction to its intersection with White Street; thence in a northerly direction along White Street to the Southern Railway Viaduct; thence along Highway No. 30 to the Mouse Creek Bridge; thence due south to Highway 11 thence southwesterly along Highway 11 to the Coil Road, thence westwardly along Coil Road to the right of way of Interstate I-75 thence southwestwardly along the right of way to Interstate I-75 to the present 2nd District Line; thence due west along the present 7th precinct line to the Meigs County line; thence south along the Meigs County line to the Hiwassee River and Bradley County line; thence along said River and Bradley County line in a southeasterly direction to the Polk County line; thence along the Polk County line to the point of beginning.

(3) Third Civil District. The Third Civil District shall be as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of White and Main or Madison Streets in the City of Athens, Tennessee; thence in a northerly direction along White Street to the Southern Railway Viaduct; thence along Highway No. 30 to the Mouse Creek Bridge; thence due south to Highway No. 11; thence southwesterly along Highway No. 11 to the Coil Road; thence westwardly along Coil Road to the right of way of interstate I-75; thence southwestwardly along right of way of Interstate I-75 to the present 2nd District Line, thence due west along the present 7th precinct line to the Meigs County line; thence north with the Meigs County line to the Roane County line; thence in a westerly direction with the Roane County line to the Loudon County line; thence with the Loudon County line to its intersection with Eastanallee Creek; thence in a southwesterly direction along Eastanallee Creek to the Englewood-Niota Road; thence in a southerly direction along said Road to the Madisonville Road; thence due south to the present 1st District line; thence in a westerly direction along said present 1st District line to the Madisonville Road; thence in a westerly direction along said Madisonville Road to Madison Street in the City of Athens, Tennessee; thence along Madison Street and Main Street to the intersection with White Street and the beginning point.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1969, Chapter 36

SECTION 2. That the voting precinct in the newly created Civil Districts shall be composed as follows:

The first Civil District shall be composed of the following precincts: The 2nd, 4th, 5th, 10th, and 13th as they are presently established.

The Second Civil District shall be composed of the following precincts: The 1st, 3rd, 7th, 8th, 12th, 15th, and 18th as they are presently established.

The Third Civil District shall be composed of the following precincts: the 6th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 16th, and 17th as they are presently established.

COMPILER'S NOTE: This Act does not contain a Section 3.

SECTION 4. That the County Court of McMinn County shall fix the places of voting in the 18 precincts set out in Section 2, and that until such action is taken by the said Court the places of voting shall remain as they are presently established, with the exception of the 1st precinct, which shall hereafter have its voting place at the City Park School in Athens, Tennessee.

COMPILER'S NOTE: Sections 2 and 4 of this Act may have been superseded by the Tennessee "Election Code," specifically T.C.A. 2-3-102 which provides that precincts will be established by the County Election Commission.

SECTION 5. That from and after the passage of this Act the offices of Justice of Peace and Constable in the District be abolished, and the same are hereby abolished.

SECTION 6. That the Board of Election Commissioners shall hold the next General Election in August, 1954 under the provisions of this Act, for the election of Justices of the Peace and Constables in the Civil Districts as herein established; and that said Board of Election Commissioners shall cause the Registrar-at-large for McMinn County to make the necessary changes on the registration records in cases where precincts are placed in new districts bearing a designation different from that previously held, said changes to be made at least ninety (90) day before the August, 1954 General Election for McMinn County.

SECTION 7. That should any section, clause or provision of this Act be held unconstitutional for any reason, the same shall not affect the validity of the Act as a whole or any part hereof other than the part so held to be unconstitutional, it being the legislative intent of this Act that every section, paragraph and provision of this Act is severable and may be elided if held unconstitutional without affecting the remainder of the Act.

SECTION 8. That this Act take effect on September 1, 1954, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 9, 1953.