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Private Acts of 1951 Chapter 8

Whereas, The United States of America, through its Corps of Engineers, United States Army, has begun construction of the Arnold Engineering Development Center, including the Elk River Dam and Reservoir on the Elk River, near Tullahoma, Tennessee; and

Whereas, The construction and operation of such dam, reservoir and center will make necessary the relocation, alteration, repair and reconstruction of certain county highways which form a part of the County Highway Systems, and which pass through or near such dam, reservoir and center areas; and

Whereas, Under existing laws, the counties in which such county highways or parts thereof are located have a reversionary right in such easements and highway rights of way; and

Whereas, It is the responsibility and obligation of the United States of America to make just compensation for such taking or flooding or for damage to such county highways or portions thereof as may accrue from the acquisition, construction or operation of such dam reservoir and center; and

Whereas, The United States of America may require conveyance to itself of fee simple or lesser estate in and to such easements and highways, or portions thereof, as considerations for just compensation, either in money or in relocation facilities:

Now, therefore,

SECTION 1.  That the County Highway Commissioners and County Judge in counties having a population of not less than 23,890 nor more than 23,895, are hereby jointly authorized, empowered and directed to determine the terms, conditions, and monetary considerations for the acquisition of such lands, easements and rights of way forming county highways or portions thereof, including all rights of the public for road purposes, as well as the reversionary rights of the counties in which located, as for the damaging of such easements and rights of way; and the County Highway Commissioners and the County Judge are further empowered, authorized and directed to execute in behalf of the counties heretofore referred to, any and all necessary contracts or agreements or, if in judicial proceedings, any stipulations with the United States of America, and to execute and deliver with respect to the interest therein of the counties heretofore referred to, all necessary deeds, easements, or other conveyances which may be required in connection with the relocation, alteration, abandonment, extinguishment of rights or other things concerning roads, bridges or other facilities on the properties of the counties in which the same are located, and such deeds or conveyances shall include any and all reversionary interest in such highway rights of way of any county or other political subdivision of the State; provided, however, that such abandonments, conveyances or relocations shall not require advertising, judicial approval, or any other requirement prior to effective accomplishment.

SECTION 2.  That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.

SECTION 3.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  January 9, 1951.