SECTION 1. That the line between Coffee and Moore Counties in this State be and the same is hereby changed by detaching from the County of Coffee and adding to the County of Moore all the territory embraced within the following description:
Beginning at the NW corner of a 225 acre tract of land formerly owned by Jno. W. Harton and wife, and conveyed to C. A. Osborne and wife by deed of record in Deed Book 66, Page 93, Register's Office, Coffee County, Tennessee; running thence S, E and N with the lines of said 225 acre tract to the SE corner of a tract of land now owned by Carlton L. Way and wife, Mary Louise Way; thence with the southerly line of said Way land, in a westerly direction 600 feet; thence in a northerly direction with the W line of said Way land 400 feet to the southerly margin of State Highway 55; thence crossing said highway to the north margin of said State Highway 55 to a point where such line strikes the present county line of Moore County and specifically embracing within Moore County all of State Highway 55 lying S and W of said last mentioned lines, it being the intention of this Act to embrace within Moore County all of the farm of C. A. Osborne and wife described in the deed above referred to EXCEPT that portion heretofore conveyed to Carlton L. Way and wife by deed of record in Deed Book 69, page 69, Register's Office, Coffee County, Tennessee, and to embrace within the boundaries of Moore County Highway No. 55 up to the NW corner of the land of Carlton L. Way, heretofore described.
SECTION 2. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: March 2, 1951.