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Private Acts of 1951 Chapter 284

SECTION 1. That there shall be created in Montgomery County, Tennessee, and in all counties thereof, having a population of not less than 33,340, nor more than 33,350 inhabitants, according to the Federal Census of 1940, or any subsequent Federal Census, the office of County Highway Supervisor, whose duties shall hereinafter be set out, and as prescribed for the "Supervisor" in Chapter 312, of the Private Acts of 1923, and amendments thereto.

SECTION 2. That the County Judge, or County Chairman, of such counties shall appoint such County Highway Supervisor, on the first Monday in April 1951, and submit such appointment to the Quarterly County Court, for ratification, and upon ratification, he shall serve under such appointment until the first day of September, 1952, or, until his successor is elected and qualified. Such County Highway Supervisor shall be elected by the qualified voters of such counties, at the August General Election in 1952, for a term of four years, thereafter. His term shall begin on September first, following his election.

SECTION 3. That in order to protect the road systems in such counties, and the public in general, against incompetency and inefficiency in the construction and maintenance of their roads, said Supervisor shall be a well qualified road man, and shall be either: a graduate Civil Engineer from an accredited Engineering School, with at least five years experience in building and maintaining public roads, and bridges, in a Supervisory capacity; or, he shall have had at least ten years of experience in building and maintaining public roads and bridges, in a Supervisory capacity. Without such qualifications, or more, no person shall be eligible to hold said office.

SECTION 4. That it shall be the duty of such Supervisor to keep the County Judge, and Board of Road Commissioners advised, as to the work being carried on, the expenditures being made, the general condition of the roads, and the progress being made on all road work in general, and in addition to this, he will perform all the duties prescribed for the "Supervisor" in Chapter 312, of the Private Acts of the General Assembly, 1923, and amendments thereto. It being an Act to create a Board of Highway Commissioners, for Montgomery County. (sic) Such duties, responsibilities, and provisions, as therein set out, with reference to the "Supervisor" are hereby imposed upon the County Highway Supervisor, whose office is created by this Act.

SECTION 5. That the Supervisor shall devote his entire time to the duties of his office, and that the counties shall furnish said Supervisor, suitable transportation while in the performance of his duties, and said Supervisor, shall receive for his services the sum of Fortyeight Hundred Dollars, ($4,80.00) (sic) per annum, payable monthly, or bi-monthly, from the General Road Fund of the county, by vouchers signed by the County Judge, or Chairman.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1955, Chapter 263

SECTION 6. That in the event of a vacancy in said office, caused by death, resignation or otherwise, the County Judge, or Chairman, shall appoint a Supervisor, with the approval of the County Quarterly Court, who shall serve until the next General Election, or until his successor is duly elected and qualified.

SECTION 7. That all laws and parts of laws, in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: February 27, 1951.