SECTION 1. That the Beer Committee created and appointed by the County Council of Hamilton County is hereby authorized to employ a person to be called Beer Inspector, to investigate all places in the County selling, storing or manufacturing beer, and applicants for original or renewal licenses and permits.
SECTION 2. That said inspector shall be under the control and direction of the Beer Committee and it shall be his duty to make all investigations and inspections required by said Committee and to make reports of same to said Committee as it directs.
SECTION 3. That before an application for an original or renewal beer permit or license be considered by the Beer Committee, the applicant shall be required to pay to the County Court Clerk the sum of $25.00 as an inspection fee to cover cost of necessary investigation and inspection relative to such application, to be paid by him into the County Treasury.
SECTION 4. That no original or renewal beer license shall be issued by the County Court Clerk to any applicant until he has received an approval from said Beer Committee of his application.
SECTION 5. That the salary and necessary expense allowance of said inspector be determined and fixed by the Council and paid out of the general funds of the County.
SECTION 6. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: April 12, 1949.