SECTION 1. That Quarterly County Courts and the Sheriffs of all Counties of this State having a population of not less than 15,470 nor more than 15,480 according to the Federal Census of 1940 or any subsequent Federal Census, are hereby authorized and empowered to contract with each other in writing for the maintenance and operation of uniform county road patrols. Under the said contract the Sheriff is authorized to obligate himself to patrol all or certain roads or classes of roads in the county with an agree (sic) number of deputy sheriffs whose primary duty shall be the enforcement of traffic laws and the arrest of all persons observed violating any criminal laws. The said contracts shall obligate the counties which enter into such agreements to reimburse the sheriff conducting any such patrol for all out-of-pocket expense incident to the maintenance and operation thereof, including salaries of the deputies assigned exclusively to this work, motor vehicle expenses, uniform and other equipment costs, fuel costs, repair and upkeep costs for the motor vehicles used, and all other costs incidental to the performance of such services; provided, however, that no county shall maintain such a sheriff's road patrol unless the patrol cars used in such work are equipped with radio receiving sets or transmitting and receiving sets capable of keeping said cars in contact with the sheriff's office or a system is arranged whereby said patrols report into the sheriff's office at intervals not exceeding thirty minutes by telephone or otherwise. And provided further, that the personnel employed as deputy sheriffs in such patrol work shall at all times wear a uniform adopted and approved by the sheriff for such deputies.
SECTION 2. That the conduct of such sheriff's road patrol is hereby declared a public purpose in the counties to which this Act applies and whenever any such written contracts between Quarterly County Courts and sheriffs have been made in accordance with this statute and have been approved by a decree of a court of record of this State in a proceeding authorized by the Code of Tennessee for approving the employment of deputies and assistants to county officers, such services shall be deemed as ex officio services performed by the sheriffs and funds for reimbursing the sheriff for the costs of operating and maintaining such patrols may be paid for by said counties as are other ex officio duties under the provisions of Code Section 10708; and any funds necessary for such county expenditure may be raised by a tax levy.
SECTION 3. That in the case of any county having a County Commission form of government, the agreements herein may be executed in behalf of such a county by the County Commission thereof in the place and stead of a Quarterly County Court.
SECTION 4. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are, hereby repealed, and this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: April 12, 1949