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Private Acts of 1949 Chapter 638

COMPILER’S NOTE:    Civil districts as described in the act reproduced below are no longer used for election purposes, but are preserved as they existed on March 7, 1978 for record-keeping purposes as required by T.C.A. § 5-1-112.

SECTION 1.  That the present civil districts of Bledsoe County, Tennessee, numbering from one to three, both inclusive, be and the same are hereby abolished.

SEC. 2.  That in lieu of the present three civil districts heretofore existing in Bledsoe County, Tennessee, there are hereby created nine civil districts for said County as follows:

First Civil District:  The First Civil District of Bledsoe County shall be as follows:

Beginning at a point in the center of the Old Stage Coach road (the Lee's Station Road) on the side of the Cumberland Mountain at the Laurel Branch in the old First District line; thence, westward with the center of the Old Stage Coach road to the Van Buren County line; thence northeasterly, with the Van Buren County line to a point in the center of Highway No. 30; thence east with the center of said highway to the Louis Simmons' road; thence north with the center of the Louis Simmons' road to the Lucius Cove road; thence, with the center of Lucius Cove road in a southeast direction to the beginning of said road at Highway No. 30; thence, with Highway No. 30 to the eastern brow of Cumberland Mountain; thence, with the brow of the said mountain in a southwest direction to the intersection of Laurel Branch and the Old Stage Coach road, the beginning of said line.

Second Civil District:  The Second Civil District of Bledsoe County, Tennessee, shall be as follows:

Beginning at a point in the center of the T.V.A. power line where it crosses the brow of the mountain near Lucius Cove; thence, in an eastern direction with said power line to the center of the top of Cox Ridge; thence, in a southern direction down the crest of Cox Ridge to the southwest corner of Thos. J. Hutcheson's property line; thence, eastwardly with the Thos. J. Hutcheson's property line to the center of the Sequatchie River; thence, up the center of said river as it meanders to the southwest corner of the J. M. Pollard property line; thence, eastwardly with the said Pollard property line to the southeast corner of said property or the brow of Walden's Ridge Mountain; thence, northward with the brow of said mountain to the Oxier Gaps Road; thence, in a northwest direction with the center of Oxier Gaps Road (Tom Wood's Lane) to the East Valley Road; thence, southward with the center of the East Valley Road to the Akin Lane; thence, northwestward with the center of the Akin Lane to Highway No. 28; thence, south with the center of the said highway to the Taylor Branch, that meanders through Moon and Roberts' property; thence, down the Taylor Branch meandering to the center of the Sequatchie River; thence, southwardly meandering with the said river to the northeast corner of the S. P. Little property line; thence, westwardly with said property line to the center of Highway 28; thence, southwardly down the center of said highway to intersection of Big Spring Gap Road; thence westwardly with meanders of said road to the cliff or brow of Cumberland Mountain; thence, southwestwardly with the brow of the mountain to the center of the T.V.A. power line, the beginning of the said line.”

Third Civil District:  The Third Civil District of Bledsoe County, Tennessee, shall be as follows:

Beginning at a point in the center of T.V.A. power line at the brow of the mountain near what is known at Beatty's Cove; thence, southward with the brow and cliffs of the mountain to a point in the southern boundary of Mrs. Arthur Standefer's property; thence, westward with said Standefer's line to the center of the Sequatchie River; thence, down said river as it meanders to Sequatchie County line; thence, with the Sequatchie County line to the intersection of Hamilton County line; thence, with Hamilton County line to the Rhea County line; thence, with the Rhea County line to the center of the T.V.A. power line; thence west with the T.V.A. power line to the point of beginning.

Fourth Civil District:  The Fourth Civil District of Bledsoe County, Tennessee, shall be as follows:

Beginning in center of Sequatchie River at Dr. Greer's Ford; thence, westward with the center of the road leading to Lee's Station to a point in the center of York Highway No. 28; thence, northward with the center of said highway to a point opposite the intersection of the North road leading up the Lee's Station Mountain; thence, with said Lee's Station Mountain road to Alton Greer's southwest corner; thence, northwest with Alton Greer's west boundary line to Tom Keener's southern boundary line; thence, westward with said Tom Keener's southern boundary line to brow or cliff of Cumberland Mountain; thence, northward with brow and cliff of Cumberland Mountain to Highway No. 30; thence with the center of said highway westwardly to a point and intersection of Highway No. 30 and Lucius Cove road; thence, with the center of Cove Road northwestward to the center of T.V.A. power line; thence, eastwardly with power line to center of top of Cox Ridge; thence, southwardly down center top of Cox Ridge to southwest corner to Thos. J. Hutcheson's property line; thence, eastwardly with property line to center of Sequatchie River; thence, northeast with river meanders to the southwest corner of the J. M. Pollard property line; thence, eastwardly with Pollard property line to southeast corner of said line or on the cliff on brow of Walden's Ridge Mountain cliff; thence, with the brow of said mountain as it meanders in a southwest direction to Crystal Creek Falls; thence, with the center of Crystal Creek at it meanders towards the Sequatchie River to a point in the center of the lower east Valley Road; thence, with the center of said road in a northern direction to the Lee's Station crossroad; thence, with the Lee's Station crossroad in a western direction to the center of said river, the point of beginning.”

Fifth Civil District:  The Fifth Civil District of Bledsoe County, Tennessee, shall be as follows:

Beginning southwest corner of Mrs. Arthur Standefer's line in center of Sequatchie River; thence, northwardly with said river as it meanders to a point in the center of the river at the Dr. Greer Ford; thence eastwardly with Lee's Station crossroad to lower east valley road; thence, southward with lower east valley road to a point in the center of the river at the Dr. Greer Ford; thence, eastwardly with Lee's Station crossroad to lower east valley road; thence, southward with the lower east valley road to a point in the center of Crystal Creek; thence, eastwardly with said creek as it meanders to a point in the brow of Walden's Ridge Mountain known as Crystal Creek Falls; thence, southward with the brow and cliffs of Walden's Ridge to southern boundary of Mrs. Arthur Standefer's property line; thence, westward with said line to the point of beginning.”

Sixth Civil District:  The Sixth Civil District of Bledsoe County, Tennessee, shall be as follows:

Beginning at a point in the center of the Sequatchie River where it crosses the Sequatchie County line; thence, up the said river as it meanders to the Dr. Greer Ford; thence, westwardly with the center of the Lee's Station crossroad to the center of Highway No. 28; thence, northwardly with the center of said highway to the Lee's Station Mountain Road (the Old Stage Coach Road); thence, westwardly with said road to Alton Greer's southwest corner; thence, in a northern direction with Alton Greer's west boundary line to Tom Keener's southern boundary line; thence, westward with said Tom Keener's boundary line to the brow of Cumberland Mountain; thence, southwestward with the brow of the mountain to the Sequatchie County line; thence, southeastward with the Sequatchie County line to the center of the Sequatchie River, the beginning point.”

Seventh Civil District:  The Seventh Civil District of Bledsoe County, Tennessee, shall be as follows:

Beginning at a point in the center of the Old Stage Coach road (the Lee's Station road) on the side of the Cumberland Mountain where the Laurel Branch crosses said road; thence, westwardly with the center of the Old Stage Coach road to the Van Buren County line; thence, southwestwardly with the Van Buren County line to the point where it joins the Sequatchie County line; thence, southeastwardly with the Sequatchie County line to the brow or cliff of the Cumberland Mountain; thence, northeastwardly with the brow of the mountain to the point where Laurel Creek crosses the Old Stage Coach road, the beginning of said line.”

Eighth Civil District:  The Eighth Civil District of Bledsoe County, Tennessee, shall be as follows:

Beginning at a point in the center of Highway No. 28, at the intersection of said highway and the Big Spring Gap road; thence, westward by the meanders of said Big Spring Gap road to the brow of Cumberland Mountain; thence, southwestwardly with the brow of said mountain to the center of the T.V.A. power line; thence, westwardly with said power line to the Lucius Cove road; thence northwestwardly with said road to the Lewis Simmon's road intersection; thence southwardly with said road to Highway No. 30; thence, westwardly with said highway to the Van Buren County line; thence northwardly with the Van Buren County line to where White County corners Bledsoe County; thence, eastwardly with Cumberland County line to the brow of Cumberland Mountain; thence, southwestward with the brow of said mountain to the northwest corner of the Old Charley Taylor line; thence, eastward with the Taylor line to the center of Highway No. 28; thence south with the center of said highway to the Taylor branch that meanders through Moon and Robert's property; thence, down the Taylor branch meandering to the center of the Sequatchie River; thence, southwardly meandering with the said river to the northeast corner of the S. P. Little property line; thence, westwardly with said property line to the center of Highway No. 28; thence, southwardly down the center of said highway to the intersection of the Big Spring Gap road, the point of beginning.”

Ninth Civil District:  The Ninth Civil District of Bledsoe County, Tennessee, shall be as follows:

Starting at a point in the Cumberland County line at the Cliffs; running thence southwestward to the northwest corner of the old Charley Taylor line; thence, eastward with the Taylor line to the center of Highway No. 28; thence, north with center of York Highway to Akin Lane; thence, eastward with the Akin Lane as it meanders to east valley road; thence, northward with center of east valley road to the Leander Lee lane (now known as Tom Wood's lane); thence, eastward with said lane up Oxier Gap road to top brow of Walden's Ridge Mountain; thence, southward with brow of mountain to T.V.A. power line; thence, eastward with power line to Rhea County line; thence, northeastwardly with the Rhea County line to the Cumberland County line; thence, westwardly with said Cumberland County line to the brow of Cumberland Mountain, the beginning of said line.”

SEC. 3.  That the following Justices of the Peace be and they are hereby appointed to serve until the first day of September, 1950 and until their successors are elected at the August, 1950, general election, and qualified.

For the First Civil District:  Carmack Sapp and Norman C. Colvard; for the Second Civil District:  Irvin Downey and George Brown; for the Third Civil District; [sic] Wayne Holloway and George Sullivan; for the Fourth Civil District:  (which includes the County Town), George Herd, R. S. Evans and W. M. Greer; for the Fifth Civil District: Arthur Standefer and Shelton Greer; for the Sixth Civil District:  Richard Cunningham and Edward Brown; for the Seventh Civil District:  Henry Myers and John M. Johnson; for the Eighth Civil District:  Otis Seals and U. S. Pugh; for the Ninth Civil District:  Wendell Ault and Thompson Tollett.

SEC. 4.  That the County Court of Bledsoe County at its first regular or duly called special meeting after the enactment of this Act, shall elect Constables in each of the said districts to serve until the first day of September, 1950, and until their successors are elected at the August, 1950, General Election, and qualified.

SEC. 5. The voting places in said districts be and they are hereby established as follows:

For the First Civil District:  New School House and Griffith School House; for the Second Civil District:  Cold Springs School House; for the Third Civil District:  Sumner City, Brayton, Sunnyside; for the Fourth Civil District:  The Courthouse in Pikeville, Blackburn's Store and Lincoln School House; for the Fifth Civil District:  The place of holding elections shall be designated by the County Court under the provisions of Code Section 1943; for the Sixth Civil District:  Lusk School House; for the Seventh Civil District:  Old Cumberland School House; for the Eighth Civil District:  Nine Mile and Bellvie School Houses; for the Ninth Civil District:  Melvin and Luminary School House.

SEC. 6.  That the provisions of this Act are hereby declared to be severable.  If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, or words of its provisions be held unconstitutional or void, the remainder of this Act shall continue in full force and effect, it being the legislative intent that this Act would have been adopted even if such unconstitutional matter had not been included therein.

SEC. 7.  That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act, be and the same are hereby repealed.

SEC. 8.  That this Act shall take effect ten (10) days from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  April 8, 1949.