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Private Acts of 1949 Chapter 599

SECTION 1.  That the county line between Carroll and Benton Counties is hereby changed so as to take from the 16th Civil District of Carroll County and place in the 12th Civil District of Benton County the following described land:

A strip of land forty (40) feet wide extending twenty (20) feet on each side of a line beginning in the center of the road from Mt. Carmen Church, in Benton County, to McMackin's spur, in Carroll County, at the point where the county line between Carroll and Benton Counties crosses said road and running west with the center of said road to a point in said road ten (10) feet west of Big Sandy River Canal.

SECTION 2.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  April 4, 1949.