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Private Acts of 1949 Chapter 598

SECTION 1. That the Carderview Utility District of Johnson County, Tennessee, heretofore created by order of the County Chairman of said County rendered on November 12, 1948, pursuant to a petition, notice, and hearing, is hereby found and declared to be a validly organized and existing utility district of the State of Tennessee under the provisions of the Utility District Act of 1937, same being Chapter 248 of the 1937 Public Acts of Tennessee, together with all amendments thereto, and said Utility District shall consist of all of the parcels or tracts of land comprising the unincorporated Town of Carderview as shown by a plat of record in the Register's Office of Johnson County in Deed Book 50, at page 568, and also all parcels or tracts of land comprising the unincorporated Town of New Butler, as shown by a plat of record on the Register's Office of Johnson County in Deed Book 50, at page 471.
SECTION 2. That all proceedings heretofore taken by the Board of Commissioners of said district in connection with obtaining a water system for said district are hereby validated and legalized.
SECTION 3. That this Act shall take effect fro and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: April 5, 1949.