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Private Acts of 1949 Chapter 403

COMPILER'S NOTE: The first nine sections of this act did not concern the road law of Meigs County. See the Purchasing and Finance Commission Act in the Administration chapter.

SECTION 10. That the office of Road Supervisor for Meigs County is hereby created and the present Road Supervisor is continued in office until September first 1950. The term of office thereafter shall be 2 years beginning September 1st in the even years and the Road Supervisor shall be elected by the qualified voters of the county in the August election in 1950 and biennially thereafter.

The comparison of the Road Supervisor shall be set by the commission payable monthly by warrant drawn on the County Trustee and payable out of county road funds, by the commission and countersigned by the County Chairman as for purchases.

SECTION 11. That the County Judge or County Chairman, the Supervisor of Roads and the members of the County Purchasing and Finance Commission are hereby constituted a County Highway Supervisory Committee. The County Judge or Chairman shall be its chairman. Said committee shall approve in writing a program of road maintenance and construction for each quarter of the budget year which shall be followed by the Supervisor of Roads in the expending of county road funds. This program shall set out what roads are to be constructed and/or improved and in what order. The above program shall provide a fair and equitable distribution of road construction, improvement and maintenance as between the Civil Districts and various communities of the county. Account shall be taken of such matters as population, road mileage, mail routes and work previously done in the several districts and communities and the current condition of the roads.

This committee shall have full authority to act for the county in making recommendations to the State Highway Department as to where and how State and/or Federal Highway funds available to the county shall be spent. The employment of personnel and their salaries shall be upon the recommendation of the Supervisor of Roads and subject to the approval of the commission. Also all machinery, tools and materials for use by the Highway Department shall be requisitioned by the Supervisor of Roads subject to the approval of the commission.

SECTION 12. That should any section or part of a section of this Act be declared unconstitutional, or for any reason invalid, shall not be held to impair or invalidate the constitutionality, validity, force or effect of any other section or part of this Act, it being expressly declared by the General Assembly that this Act and the remaining sections, or parts of sections, would have been approved or adopted without regard to the invalidity or unconstitutionality of any part of a section, unless it clearly appears that the remainder of the Act be necessarily dependent upon that part declared invalid or unconstitutional.

SECTION 13. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with or inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, or any part thereof, are hereby repealed, and this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 1, 1949.