WHEREAS, By Chapter 281 of the Private Acts of 1939, the old Civil Districts of McNairy County, Tennessee, were so changed as to consolidate a number of the same and to create new districts, and by Chapter No. 439 of the Private Acts of 1943, certain other changes were made and new Civil Districts created, and it has become necessary and material to create out of certain of the Civil Districts as fixed by said Chapter No. 281, new Civil Districts;
SECTION 1. That Civil District No. 1, as now composed of old Civil Districts, Nos. 7, 8, 11, and 16, be so changed as that all of the territory embraced and included in old Civil Districts Nos. 11 and 16, shall be and constitute under this Act, Civil District No. 1, and that old Districts Nos. 7 and 8, as they existed and were at the time of the enactment of said Chapter No. 281, will be removed from District No. 1, provided by said Act, and here created into a new District, designated as District(sic), designated as District No. 10.
SECTION 2. That M. C. Eithridge and C. S. Treech be, and they are hereby appointed to fill the offices of Justice of the Peace in said District No. 1, as created by this Act, and that J. O. Mitchell and J. L. Tacker are hereby appointed as Justices of the Peace for said District No. 10, as created and established by this Act.
SECTION 3. That whereas, Civil District No. 4 as now existing is composed of old Civil Districts numbers 9, 10 and 13, and that whereas, Civil District No. 5 as now existing is composed of old Civil Districts Nos. 5 and 6.
SECTION 4. That out of said existing Civil Districts Nos. 4 and 5, old Civil Districts Nos. 5 and 9 shall be removed and shall from and after the effective date of this Act be known as a new Civil District No. 9; and that old Civil Districts Nos. 10 and 13 as they existed at the time of the enactment of said Chapter 281 shall be and they are made into a new Civil District to be known as District No. 4; and that all the territory formerly included in old Civil District No. 6 as it existed and was at the time of the enactment of Chapter 281 shall be and the same shall constitute the boundaries of a Civil District created under this Act known as District No. 5.
SECTION 5. That whereas, Civil District No. 3 as now existing is made up of old Civil Districts Nos. 15 and 12 as they were laid out at the enactment of Chapter 281 of the Private Acts of 1939.
SECTION 6. That all of the territory of old Civil District No. 12 as laid out at the time of the enactment of said Chapter 281 shall be and the same is separated from Civil District No. 3 and a new Civil District is created therefrom to be known as Civil District No. 12; and Civil District No. 3, from the effective date of this Act, shall include only the territory included in old Civil District No. 15.
SECTION 7. That whereas, at present Civil District No. 2 is now composed of the territory included in Civil Districts Nos. 2 and 19.
SECTION 8. That all of old Civil District No. 19 is separated from District No. 2 and the same shall constitute a new Civil District known as Civil District No. 11, leaving the area of Civil District No. 2 the same as old Civil District No. 2.
SECTION 9. That the following are designated Justices of the Peace of the new Civil Districts as shown after their names in the following list:
Eldridge Howard and Roy Huggins -- District No. 9.
Otis Plunk and Wilbur Robinson -- District No. 11.
Irwin Cagle and R. E. Wade -- District No. 12.
J. P. Whitley and M. B. Melton, presently Justices of the Peace, shall be Justices of the Peace for Civil District No. 4 as created by this Act.
SECTION 10. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: March 23, 1949.