SECTION 1. That the line between the Counties of Robertson and Cheatham be, and the same is hereby changed by taking a certain tract of land containing 25.5 acres, now owned by J. T. Winters, out of the County of Robertson and adding same to the County of Cheatham, and in order to accomplish this change that a portion of the boundary line between said two counties be as follows: Beginning at a stake in J. T. Winter's line, corner to W. H. Balthrop and G. W. Stack, thence with said Winters' line north 2½ degrees east 68.7 poles to a stone and white oak pointer, corner to W. L. Balthrop; thence north 2½ degrees east 5 poles to a stone, corner to C. M. Maxey in W. L. Balthrop's line; thence north 88 degrees west 23 poles to a stone in C. M. Maxey's line; thence south 2 degrees west 72 poles to a hickory and in the present line between said two counties.
SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: February 23, 1949.