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Private Acts of 1947 Chapter 594

SECTION 1. That in any County of this State having a population of not less than 33,000 nor more than 33,400 by the Federal Census of 1940, or any subsequent Federal Census, the County Judge or Chairman of the County Court be, and is, hereby authorized and empowered to enter into such contracts with any reputable hospitals, located in said County, as may be deemed expedient or advisable and upon such basis, terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon for the purpose of securing the care and treatment of the indigent sick and/or injured persons in such County; provided, that no such contracts shall be made for a period of less than one year or more than five years, and that the contractual costs in no case shall exceed the aggregate maximum sum of Twenty-Nine Hundred ($2,900.00) Dollars per annum; and, provided further, that all such contracts when consummated shall be approved and confirmed by the Quarterly County Court by proper resolution adopted in regular session and spread upon the minutes of the Court.

SECTION 2. That when any such contract shall have become effective and it is made satisfactorily to appear to the County Judge or Chairman of the County Court that some sick or injured person is unable to procure proper care and attention because of poverty, said County Judge or Chairman shall issue an order to said contracting hospital to receive said person for treatment as a county patient. And said hospital shall receive no such patient without such order except in case of emergency wherein it shall become the duty of the hospital to notify the County Judge or Chairman of the reception of such patient as early as possible thereafter.

SECTION 3. That when any such county patient is without the services of a regular physician and is unable because of poverty to employ one, it shall become the duty of the County Physician of said County to attend said patient and to administer such medical treatment as may be required during his or her retention in said hospital.

SECTION 4. That the funds necessary to meet the payments of said contracts be appropriated from the general revenue fund of the County and paid according to the tenor thereof by warrants issued by the County Judge or Chairman.

SECTION 5. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 4, 1947.