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Private Acts of 1947 Chapter 397

SECTION 1. That the Quarterly County Court of Counties having a population of not less than 26,500 and not more than 26,510, according to the Federal Census of 1940 or any subsequent Federal Census, is hereby authorized and is given the authority to employ Clerks for all County officers in said Counties.

SECTION 2. That any County Officer of said Counties who requires clerk hire and who is unable to employ said clerk hire because of lack of authority under the General Law may make application to the Quarterly County Court of said Counties, and, if authorized by the Quarterly County Court of said Counties, may employ clerks to help administer the affairs of his County office.

SECTION 3. That the Quarterly County Court of said Counties is hereby authorized to set the compensation for each clerk employed under the authority of this Act at any amount not exceeding $1,200.00 per year.

SECTION 4. That the Legislature expressly declares that each section of this Act is severable and that should any portion of this Act be held unconstitutional or invalid, the same shall not affect the remainder of this Act, but such unconstitutional or invalid portions shall be deleted and that the Legislature declares that it would have enacted this Act with such unconstitutional or invalid portions deleted.

SECTION 5. That all laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed.

SECTION 6. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: February 25, 1947.