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Private Acts of 1947 Chapter 244

SECTION 1. That all Acts and proceedings heretofore taken in connection with the organization of the Blountville Utility District of Sullivan County, Tennessee, are hereby legalized and validated and said District is hereby constituted a valid utility district under the provisions of Chapter 248 of the 1937 Public Acts of Tennessee.

SECTION 2. That the boundaries of the Blountville Utility District of Sullivan County, Tennessee, shall consist as follows: Beginning in the State line between Tennessee and Virginia at the west corporate limit line of the City of Bristol, Tennessee; thence S 55° 00' W 43,220 feet to a stake west of Blountville; thence S 35° 00' E 4,000 feet to a stake southwest of Blountville; thence N 55° 00' E 44,180 feet to a stake in corporate limit line of the City of Bristol, Tennessee; thence N 88° 00' W 3,000 feet with the corporate limit line of the City of Bristol, Tennessee, to the southwest corner of said corporate limits; thence With said corporate limit line of the City of Bristol, Tennessee, N 2° 00' E 2,600 feet to the point of beginning.

SECTION 3. That all acts and proceedings heretofore had or taken in connection with the selection of the members of the Board of Commissioners of said District, together with all proceedings by said Board relative to the selection of officers thereof and designation of a corporate seal, are hereby legalized and validated.

SECTION 4. That all acts and proceedings heretofore had or taken by the Board of Commissioners of said District in connection with the letting of contracts for the acquisition and construction of a Waterworks System for said District are hereby legalized and validated.

SECTION 5. That all acts and proceedings heretofore had or taken by the Board of Commissioners of said District in connection with the authorization and sale of Two Hundred and Seventy-Five Thousand ($275,000) Dollars Waterworks Revenue Bonds of said District are hereby legalized and validated and said bonds when delivered in accordance with the provisions of such proceedings shall constitute the valid and binding obligations of said District payable from the sources provided in such proceedings.

SECTION 6. That said District shall operate under the provisions of Chapter 248 of the 1937 Public Acts of Tennessee as same may be amended from time to time.

SECTION 7. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: February 13, 1947.