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Private Acts of 1947 Chapter 127

SECTION 1. That in all civil districts and voting precincts having a population of 2,500 inhabitants or over that number, computed by the Federal Census of 1940 or any subsequent Federal Census, in all Counties of Tennessee having a population of not less than 25,250 nor more than 25,300, according to the Federal Census of 1940 or any subsequent Federal Census, shall be required to register as hereinafter provided, as a prerequisite to voting in all elections in said civil districts or voting precincts, and that thereafter such persons so registering shall be permanently registered and shall not be again required to register, in order to be eligible to vote, unless they change their residence.

SECTION 2. That in all civil districts and voting precincts mentioned in Section 1 of this Act and to which the provisions of this Act apply, there shall be held a general registration of voters beginning on the second Monday in August, 1947, and the registrars of said civil districts and voting precincts of said Counties shall open the registration books on said date, and the same shall be kept open for the registration of voters for ten days, not counting Sundays, and all the qualified voters in such civil districts and/or voting precincts desiring to register as voters, shall register, within the said ten days, in the manner that registration is required by the general law of Tennessee to be made, and the registrars shall issue to the voters registering, certificates of registration, as provided by law. Such voters so registering at such registration shall not be required to again register as a prerequisite to voting, unless they shall thereafter change their residence as provided for in Section 4 of this Act.

SECTION 3. That the registrars of said civil districts and voting precincts of said Counties shall, in the manner required by law, give ten days published notice of a supplemental registration, and shall open the registration books of said civil districts and voting precincts, for the registration of voters therein, previous to any election, or any primary election provided for by law, to be held in any such civil districts or voting precincts or in any municipality comprising all or a part of such civil district or voting precinct; and the registration books shall be kept open three days for registration, and the said registration days shall be continuous, exclusive of Sunday, and the books shall be closed twenty days prior to such election or primary; and at such supplemental registration, the registrars shall, upon the application of the voters of such civil districts or voting precincts, register such voters who have not previously registered under the provisions of the Act, and re-register those who have changed their residence since registering.

SECTION 4. That all such persons who shall have registered as provided in this Act, and thereafter change their residence by removing to another residence, either within or without the voting precinct or district where registered, shall not be qualified to vote in any election thereafter held, without having first re-registered for as long as twenty days prior to any election where he or she offers to vote; and the registrars, in such cases, shall take up and cancel the certificate of registration formerly issued to such voter, unless the same has been lost or destroyed.

SECTION 5. That the provisions of the general law of Tennessee as contained in Section 1997 to 2002, Sections 2009 to 2026, and Sections 2254 to 2258 of the Code of Tennessee shall apply to the registration of voters, the method of appointment of registrars and the registration of voters, the penalties provided for the violation of the registration law and the keeping of all records pertaining to the registration of voters in the civil districts and voting precincts mentioned in Section 1 of this Act.

SECTION 6. That the Sections of this Act and/or parts thereof be declared to be independent sections, or parts of sections, and the holding of any section or part of section to be unconstitutional, void or ineffective for any cause shall not affect any other section or part thereof, and all such remaining sections shall continue in force and effect.

SECTION 7. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are, hereby repealed, and that this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: January 30, 1947.