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Private Acts of 1945 Chapter 504

SECTION 1.  That the governing body of the City of Milan, Gibson County, Tennessee, is hereby authorized to create a Special School District within the corporate limits of said City; provided, further, that the outlying area contained in the Thirteenth Civil District of Gibson County may, upon a majority vote of the qualified voters in said Thirteenth Civil District outside the corporate limits of the City of Milan, Gibson County, Tennessee, become a part of said Special School District; and provided, further, that the duly authorized Election Commissioners of Gibson County shall, upon petition of ten (10) freeholders, call such election to be held according to the general laws for holding regular elections in said County, at such time as is designated in the petition as presented by the aforementioned freeholders outside the corporate limits of the City of Milan, Gibson County, Tennessee.

The district shall also include the following areas, as described:

(1)    Beginning at the intersection of Highway 45E with the Browning Road, thence following the Browning Road West to its intersection with the Chapel Hill Road, thence Northwest with the Chapel Hill Road to its intersection with the Mathis Crossing Road, thence with the Mathis Crossing Road North to its intersection with the Access Road, thence North with the Access Road to its intersection with the boundary of the Milan Special School District; i.e., Thirteenth Civil District; thence East and South with the boundary of the Milan Special School District; i.e., Thirteenth Civil District to Highway 45E, thence South with Highway 45 to the beginning point.

(2)    Beginning at the Carroll County-Gibson County line at the Northern most boundary of the Milan Special School District; i.e., Thirteenth Civil District, thence following said Northern boundary Westward to Highway 45E, thence with Highway 45E to its intersection with the Harmond Road, thence East with the Harmond Road to the Robert Crocker Road, thence East with the Robert Crocker Road to its intersection with the Walnut Grove Road, thence North with the Walnut Grove Road to its intersection with the Willie Tee Crocker Road; thence East with the Willie Tee Crocker Road to the Neal Road to the Flippen Field Road, thence Northeast with the Flippen Field Road to its intersection with the Holly Leaf Road, thence East with the Holly Leaf Road to its intersection with the Old Meridian Road, thence South with the Old Meridian Road to its intersection with the Horrace Burress Road, thence Southeast with the Horrace Burress Road to its intersection with the Poplar Spring Road, thence Northeast with the Poplar Spring Road to its intersection with the Flippen School House Road, thence Southeast with the Flippin [sic] School House Road to the Gibson County-Carroll County line, thence South with said County line to the beginning point.

(3)    Beginning at the intersection of the Moore's Chapel Sander's Store Road and the Milan-Trenton Highway thence South with the Moore's Chapel Sander's Store Road to its intersection with the Smith-Scott Road, thence East with the Smith-Scott Road to its most Eastern point, thence due East to the Western boundary of the Thirteenth Civil District, thence North with the Western boundary of the Thirteenth Civil District to the Rutherford Fork of the Obion River, thence Northwest with the Rutherford Fork of the Obion River to the Jack Connell Road, thence West with the Jack Connell Road to its intersection with the Bobby Burress Road, thence South with the Bobby Burress Road to its intersection with the Hertlow Road, thence South with the Hertlow Road to its intersection with the Concord Road, thence South with the Concord Road to its intersection with the Milan-Trenton Highway, thence East with the Milan-Trenton Highway to the beginning point.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1981, Chapter 82


SECTION 2.  The Milan Special School District shall be governed by, and the management and control of such District vested in, a Board of Education (Board) comprised of seven (7) members, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.  The members of the Board shall be elected as follows: one (1) member shall be elected from each of the four (4) wards of the City of Milan, and a member elected from a ward must be a resident of the ward for which he or she was elected; one (1) member, known as an "at large member" and who shall be a resident of the District, shall be elected by the electorate of the entire District; and two (2) members, who must reside within that portion of the District lying outside the municipal limits of the City of Milan, shall be elected by the electorate residing in that portion of the District situated outside of the municipal limits of the City of Milan.  Except as hereinafter provided, each member shall serve a term of four (4) years.

At the General Election in November 2010, a Board member shall be elected to serve from the First Ward of the City of Milan.  Such member shall be elected for a term to expire with the terms of the Board members elected in 2007 from outside the municipal limits of the City of Milan.  Thereafter, the Board member from the First Ward of the City of Milan shall be elected at the same time as the Board members elected from outside the municipal limits of the City of Milan and shall serve a term of four (4) years. 

As amended by: Private Acts of 1981, Chapter 182
  Private Acts of 1994, Chapter 136
  Private Acts of 2010, Chapter 52


SECTION 3.  That, the Milan Special School District, when and if created, shall share in all State funds according to the present laws governing the distribution of such funds and shall share in all County Funds according to the proportion that the children in average daily attendance in the Milan Special School District schools are to the number of pupils in average daily attendance in like schools within the County; provided, further, that any county pupils who attend the Milan Special District schools from without the Milan Special School District limits shall have been paid for them into the Treasury of the Milan Special School District their pro rata share of all State and County Funds.

SECTION 4.  For purposes of operating and maintaining the school district, there is hereby assessed an annual property tax of two dollars and sixteen cents ($2.16) on every one hundred dollars ($100.00) of real and personal property located within the district, such tax rate to be levied effective in the 2021 tax year and each year thereafter. The rate hereinabove established may be adjusted in accordance with the procedure set forth in Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 67-5-1704, relating to county-wide reappraisal and other provisions of applicable law. The taxes shall be annually extended and collected by the county trustee of Gibson County in the manner provided by general law for the extension and collection of county taxes and shall constitute a lien on the property against which they are levied with the like force and effect as do county taxes. Said taxes shall be used to pay principal of and interest and any redemption premiums on indebtedness of the District, to provide for additional funding of the District's school operations and capital improvements, and to fund any debt service reserve fund established by the Board of Trustees.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1981, Chapter 182
  Private Acts of 1984, Chapter 234
  Private Acts of 1991, Chapter 138

Private Acts of 1994, Chapter 136

Private Acts of 1997, Chapter 17.

Private Acts of 2019, Chapter 2.

Private Acts of 2021, Chapter 18.


SECTION 5.  That the Board of Education governing the school program in the Milan Special School District shall have the necessary legal authority to operate the schools within said District efficiently and economically, and to do all such things not inconsistent with the present State Laws or Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Education.

SECTION 6.  The provisions of this act are severable, and if any of its provisions or any sentence, clause or paragraph shall be held unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such court shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions hereof.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1981, Chapter 182


SECTION 7.  That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act shall, and the same are hereby, repealed, and that this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:   February 28, 1945.