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Private Acts of 1945 Chapter 45

SECTION 1.  That Hamilton County is hereby divided into three civil districts to be designated First Civil District, Second Civil District and Third Civil District, respectively.  The First Civil District shall embrace all the territory now included or which may be hereafter included within the corporate limits of the City of Chattanooga, the county site of said County and now constituting the First Civil District of Hamilton County.

The present Second Civil District of said County is hereby abolished.

The Second Civil District, created by this Act, shall contain all that territory South and East of the Tennessee River which lies North and East of the corporate limits of the City of Chattanooga, together with all that territory lying and being in what was formerly James County.

The Third Civil District shall include all that territory lying South of the Tennessee River which lies Southwest of the corporate limits of the City of Chattanooga which now comprises the territory of the voting precincts of Lookout Mountain, Grandview and Wauhatchie, together with all that territory North and West of the Tennessee River not in the corporate limits of Chattanooga, and the same shall constitute and be the Third Civil District of the County.

SECTION 2.  That the three justices of the peace and the two constables now serving from the First Civil District shall continue to represent the First Civil District in the performance of their official duties until the expiration of their terms of office.

SECTION 3.  That J. M. Poe and Joe F. Bork, each being a resident of the Second Civil District of said County as hereby created, shall serve as justices of the peace from said Civil District, and said individuals, being in all respects qualified, are hereby named and designated as justices of the peace for said Second Civil District and shall serve in such position until September 1, 1946.  H. L. (Hoss) Brown, a resident of the Second Civil District in said County, as hereby created, is hereby named and designated as constable of said Second Civil District and he being in all respects qualified shall perform the duties of such position until September 1, 1946.  Successors to the parties hereby appointed shall be elected at the August election 1946.

SECTION 4.  That Hoyt Selcer and G. Russell Brown, each being a resident of the Third Civil District of said County as hereby created, shall serve as justices of the peace from said Third Civil District, and said individuals, being in all respects qualified, are hereby named and designated as justices of the peace for said Third Civil District and shall serve in such positions until September 1, 1946.  Alf Windham, a resident of the Third Civil District in said County, is hereby named and designated as constable of the said Third Civil District as hereby created and he, being in all respects qualified, shall perform the duties of such position until September 1, 1946.  Successors to the parties hereby appointed shall be elected at the August election 1946.

SECTION 5.  That all Acts in conflict with the provisions hereof are hereby repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  January 23, 1945.