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Private Acts of 1945 Chapter 285

SECTION 1.  That the line between Franklin and Moore Counties be, and the same is, hereby changed as follows:  By detaching from Franklin County and the farm conveyed to L. E. Huffman, A. F. Huffman and E. C. Huffman by John W. Bedford and wife, Ruth Bedford, by deed of record in Deed Book 69 at page 598, Register's Office of Franklin County, lying in the Fourteenth Civil District of said County; the farm conveyed to A. F. Huffman by Tobe Stewart and wife, Dovie Stewart, and J. H. Stewart by deed of record in Deed Book 68, page 104, Register's Office of Franklin County, lying in the Fourteenth Civil District of Franklin County; the farm of Thomas D. Chapman conveyed to him by J. C. Rolman and wife, Elvie Rolman, by deed of record in Deed Book 69, page 422, Register's Office of Franklin County, lying in the Fourteenth Civil District of Franklin County; and the farm of E. C. Huffman lying in the Sixth Civil District of Franklin County and conveyed to him by Morton Webb and wife, Odell Webb, by deed of record in Deed Book 67, pages 361-362, Register's Office of Franklin County, and attach said farm lands of Moore County.

SECTION 2.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  February 16, 1945.