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Private Acts of 1943 Chapter 151

SECTION 1. That the following voting precincts of Macon County, Tennessee, and in counties in this State having a population of not less than 14,900 and not more than 14,910 according to the Federal Census of 1940 or any subsequent Federal Census, be, and the same are, hereby abolished, namely: the Bennett's Store voting precinct of the Third Civil District of Macon County, Tennessee; the Meadorville voting precinct of the Fourth Civil District of Macon County, Tennessee; the Bethany voting precinct of the sixth Civil Precinct of Macon County, Tennessee; the Gibb's Cross Roads voting precinct in the Seventh Civil District of Macon County, Tennessee; the Brown's School House voting precinct in the Tenth Civil District of Macon County, Tennessee; and the Eulia voting precinct in the Eleventh Civil District of Macon County, Tennessee.

SECTION 2. That the following voting precincts in Macon County, Tennessee, be and the same are hereby created, namely: Carr's School House in the Third Civil District of Macon County, Tennessee; Hillsdale School House in the Fourth Civil District of Macon County, Tennessee; Winkler's Cross Roads in the Sixth Civil District of Macon County, Tennessee; Willette School House in the Seventh Civil District of Macon County, Tennessee; Sycamore School House on Long Fork Creek in the Tenth Civil District of Macon County, Tennessee; Leath's Chapel School House and Mt. Pisgah School House in the Eleventh Civil District of Macon county, Tennessee.

SECTION 3. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: January 21, 1943.